Monday, August 12, 2019

Morro Bay

After VBS ended we headed to Morro Bay with the Johnsons, Kauks, and Suemotos. I wasn't sure how relaxing it would be in a house with nine kids, but they actually played really well together and pretty much entertained themselves! We split dinners up and actually got to do a lot of relaxing! Bri and I went on long runs, Dada and Tio went on long bike rides, and the other guys even got some runs in. 

The kids had a blast! Elise was a sought after commodity because she was the baby and everyone wanted to play with her. Daylynn didn't get there until Saturday, but then she also became sought after because she was the big kid. The girls took turns putting make-up on each other and doing hair  (Emmett requested some too) and I painted all of their nails. Emmett didn't want to be left out so I painted his nails clear and he was so excited! The girls had all just finished dance recitals and they spent a good part of the weekend making up dances, it was hilarious!

It was a pretty foggy and cool weekend which was a nice change from the 100 degree weather we had at home. We braved the beach Saturday and the fog lifted while we were there. It still wasn't what I would call warm, but the kids didn't seem to mind. They played in the water, dug in the sand, and even flew a kite. Elise hated the sand and refused to put her feet down if anyone tried to stand her in it. It was absolutely hilarious! 

Emmett hiding from the cold

Falling asleep on the couch = sure sign of a good beach day!

All in all, it was such a nice weekend! We relaxed, Bri brought us all (guys included) face masks, we ate lots of delicious food, and enjoyed great company! I know we'll definitely do it again!

24 karat gold!

A sign of a good weekend!

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