Monday, September 2, 2019

June Fun 2019

June was probably the craziest month we have had in a while! We started the month out with me going to Sacramento the last week of school for Clara (for some reason not being there on her last day made me really sad), followed by being home one night before heading to New Orleans. We had recitals and VBS when we got back, followed by a trip to the coast. Throw in lots of activities in between and it was enough to make my head spin!

I got to catch up with Sarah while in
Sacramento for work

We celebrated Cam's birthday the night I got home
I was pretty bummed to be out of town for most of the last week of school. It was a fun filled week and I got to help with a couple of activities before I left. I also got lots of pictures sent to me by people who were there. Clara had such a great first year and was definitely sad to say goodbye to kindergarten and Ms. Resendez.

Best teacher around!

The graduating seniors came to kindergarten and they
got to give them high fives!

Clara and Olive = friends forever!

Goodbye Room 16
We had the Johnsons, Kauks, and Suemotos over for dinner. It was too cold to swim but they had a blast playing, making up dances, and pretending to be zombies.

Unfortunately the dance recital is always the weekend of Father's Day. This year Clara was in the last show so we couldn't leave for the cabin until it ended. Needless to say we got up there pretty late. The kids fell asleep in the car and went straight to bed. Sunday they were up bright and early! Dada and I went on a run while Fafa made breakfast. We couldn't do our annual Weaver Lake hike because there was too much snow. We went to Tokopah Falls instead. It was a pretty easy 4 mile hike and the kids did great. At the top we had a great view of the falls and saw a ton of marmots! They were not at all afraid of us and kept trying to steal our food! We hiked back down, got some ice cream, and enjoyed a nice dinner before heading back to the heat. It was a nice, relaxing day celebrating our favorite Dada and Fafa!

Super Dada crossing the creek

They fought over who got to wear my
water backpack

Collecting sticks to build a house!
Clarita got a much needed trim and a visit to Bri's Beauty Bar! She always requests to go and loves to see Bri and ride in the car.


Trick driving

We went to princess/pirate day at the Grizzlies. Clara dressed up as a princess and Emmett spent a lot of time picking out the perfect pirate outfit. Clara wanted to take pictures with all the princesses and then take her outfit off. Emmett didn't want anything to do with the characters and kept his outfit on a lot longer. They both had fun eating Dippin' Dots and watching the game.

The scariest mermaid I've ever seen

Who doesn't dress their bunnies up as pirates?
 We had a fun play date with the Siegals complete with swimming and a trip to a local pizza parlor.

The kids had lots of fun playing outside since it was a super mild June! While I was out of town, they had dinner in the park, went to Tristan's eighth grade graduation (how is that possible), and even took Baby Hotdog for a ride in the car!

Throw in milkshakes, farmer's markets, and Dada's giant sunflower forest and it was a great month!

We even managed to squeeze in a trip to the zoo with Aba, Tia, and the girls. They had just opened Zoorassic Park, an exhibit with giant dinosaurs that move and roar, and we had to check it out! Elise was terrified of the dinosaurs, and even Emmett was a little scared. There were some baby dinosaurs that they all loved and even I had to admit were pretty cute!

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