Sunday, September 1, 2019

VBS 2019

As always, VBS was great fun! This year I didn't have to lead the singing, but it was my turn to be in charge so that was definitely more work! Couple it with being out of town the week and a half before it started and you get a crazy person! Luckily I had a lot of help and kept everything as basic as possible. The theme was Roar and we learned about God's goodness with the help of safari animal friends. We had such a great time singing, making crafts, eating snacks, and of course learning about God's love for us! Each day there was an animal Bible Buddy who taught the kids a new way God was good. My favorite was, "When life is unfair, God is good!" Clara's favorite thing has been saying everything is unfair so now whenever she says that I remind her that God is good! The most amazing thing about VBS was that the kids and I were able to get there before 8:00 to set up each day! God really is good!

Elise was a trooper

Aarne and Jason are the best!

Aba led the Bible lesson 

Mary, Lottie, and Kay were everyone's favorites since
they supplied the goodies!

Emmett made a new best friend!

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