Sunday, September 1, 2019

Recitals Summer 2019

Clara started violin in April and I was not expecting to have a recital. Originally, we were going to be out of town for the recital and I was not sad since she hadn't even been taking lessons for two months. Then the recital got changed and her teacher strong armed me into doing the recital. Clara literally got to make her first sound on the violin, had one more week of lessons, and then headed to New Orleans. Not really ideal for a recital. I wasn't at her last lesson prior to leaving so I had no idea what she was supposed to do for the recital and did not prepare her. We got back from New Orleans later than expected, headed home where she took a bath and I put her hair in curlers for her dance dress rehearsal. I had her play her "Mississippi stop stop" a couple times on the A and E strings and we headed to the recital. Of course her hair did not dry so I literally took the curlers out right before she went on stage and put them back in when she finished. Clara had never played the violin accompanied by the piano and I didn't realize that was going to happen so I didn't practice it with her. She was definitely a little confused when her teacher started to play, but figured it out eventually. Her part lasted a whole minute and I didn't even tell anyone about it since we were leaving right after to go to her dress rehearsal. Clarita did a great job and was actually sad to leave the recital as she wanted to watch the older kids.

Literally the only picture I got of her at
the violin recital
We literally headed straight to her dress rehearsal for dance and she did a great job with that one. Clara loves dance so much and it is the one thing I never have to argue with her about. She jumps out of the car and runs into the studio wanting to be the first person in the room. She is able to memorize the dances, and although she rarely practices at home, seems to get the different rhythms and beats (I credit her piano class). 

The recital was extra fun this year because we also got to watch Bailey and we knew quite a few other kids from school. Since I had originally booked our tickets to New Orleans coming home the Saturday of the recital (oops), I requested to be in the last show (I later regretted that) so she didn't go on until 6:45. We had fun watching Bailey's gymnastics/hip hop class earlier in the day and she did a great job. Then the girls came back to our house and played while Emmett napped. It was hilarious listening to their conversations! They literally laid on my bed for at least an hour imagining things. Clara's hair had to go back into curlers during this time because it does not like to be curly.

Clara did great job and her class was cute! Bailey brought her flowers and she was so excited. As much as I dislike dance and the big production that is the recital, I have to admit the recital is cute and fun to watch! I'm sure we have a lot more in our future.

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