Sunday, December 27, 2020

Into the Woods for Emmett's Fifth Birthday

Since Dada had to quarantine for Emmett's birthday, we headed to the mountains. Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci were gracious to let us use their cabin in Shaver for a few days. It was the perfect place to quarantine! Emmett is so easy going and was perfectly happy to change plans and head to the "woods." We had a great time relaxing, playing games, and exploring new places. Unfortunately, one of the biggest fires in California history started about a month after we were there and burned many of the places we explored. That made our time there even more special knowing that we won't be able to go back and see it the same.

We hit up McKinley Grove the first day and saw some big trees. Emmett insisted on wearing his "woods vest" and hat and carrying his whistle most of the time! After that we went to Courtright Reservoir where the kids and Dada swam in the freezing water (I stayed on the warm shore). We had a picnic and enjoyed the cooler weather (aka not 105). We drove across Wishon Dam and saw some great views and marmots. 

Emmett was super excited to go on hikes so we hiked to Rancheria Falls the following day. It was pretty easy and perfect for kids. They were both super excited about the waterfall. After our hike we headed to Mono Hot Springs via some very narrow, windy roads (Clara entertained herself and Emmett by taking pictures/videos of everything and showing them to him). The hot springs did not disappoint! They looked unimpressive, but were super warm and relaxing. There were a bunch of them and they all had different temperatures. Some were cemented, others rocky, and others super muddy. They were pretty empty and we were able to have each pool all to ourselves. Little Eden was our favorite. It was a little hike down a muddy hill to get there, but it was secluded with an amazing view. The kids loved the faces people had made out of mud on the walls. On the way back from the hot springs I realized that I had forgotten to bring Emmett's birthday presents. Luckily he fell asleep and did not wake up when we stopped at the market in Shaver. I found a bunch of random stuff including a coonskin cap and a stuffed beaver!

Emmett woke up on his birthday super excited to open his presents! He waited patiently for Dada to come back from his run and then was very excited about his hat and beaver. He proceeded to wear the hat for the rest of the day! We went on a walk around the cabin and found dandelions as big as the kids' heads! After breakfast, we headed to mushroom rock. We had never been there before and it had great views! Clara played her violin on a rock at the edge of the world and they had fun running around and taking pictures overlooking the valley. We hiked to Black Point where Clara serenaded Emmett with happy birthday on her violin while he had a snack. We were treated to amazing views that were worth the whining about the steep path. We hit up Huntington for lunch and the kids and Dada went for a freezing swim while I tried to stay warm on shore (It was windy and chilly). We headed back to the cabin for dinner and dessert before heading home. We had an amazing time and enjoyed celebrating Emmett's birthday with family time!

When we got home, Tios had left presents and cookies so the celebration continued. Tia found real tools for Emmett and he couldn't have been more excited! The Kauks also dropped presents off and he was so excited about everything. It wasn't what we had planned, but it turned out to be the perfect fifth birthday celebration for our favorite little guy!