Sunday, December 27, 2020

Five Years

It's hard to believe my little guy is five. At times he seems like such a big boy, but at other times he seems like such a baby. Emmett is my (mostly) easy going guy who still loves to snuggle and give me all the kisses. He says he's the kiss monster and gets so sad if we make him stop giving us kisses. Although Emmett is pretty chill, he still has a little bit of my stubborn streak. It usually comes out when Clara does something he doesn't like, but he's still generally easily distracted and can pull it together.

Buggle prides himself on being silly and making others laugh. He can often be found hitting himself in the face (the more people laugh, the more he does it), doing silly dances, and making funny faces. This summer he put on my sunglasses and made up a song and dancing declaring himself "Little Oscar." It stuck and he now changes the name to whatever he is doing (little reader guy, little sunscreen, etc). He is super expressive with his eyes and makes the best expressions. He says he wants to be the class clown, but his teachers say he is super well behaved in school and does not act silly at all.

Emmett loves to be outside and go to the "woods." We had to quarantine for his birthday, so we went to Gruncle Todd's and Grauntie Traci's cabin in Shaver. Although we didn't get to see Tíos for the small party we had planned, he didn't seem to care. He had such a great time and didn't care at all that he didn't get a party. Emmett is still able to see the wonder in the world and gets so excited about small things like nature.

Although Emmett is all boy and loves sports, cars, and smashing and crashing, he also lets Clara dress him up in princess costumes and her old dance costumes. I think he's getting to the age where he understands that boys generally don't wear dresses and doesn't always want to. I also think he likes the sparkles and at other times doesn't mind wearing them. He also likes when Clara puts make up on him, but understands that he should not wear it out of the house and requests that his face gets wiped off shortly after.

My little guy loves tools and wants to be a "builder" when he grows up. We have had a contractor working on the basement for much longer than I would have liked and Emmett loves watching him. I'll find him outside looking through the window, and for a while he would look through a crack in the floor to see what Jim was doing. Emmett carries his tools around and pretends he's a builder too. He also loves math and surprised me with how much he knew when I became his teacher during the pandemic. I printed out a bunch of worksheets I thought were way too hard for him, and he was able to do all of them with no help. I think I underestimate him since he still can't say all of his sounds correctly and sounds like a baby. Turns out he knows a lot!

Bug loves his little cousins, and is always willing to help Elise and Eleanora out. He makes sure they don't get hurt and is really good at sharing with them. I always say he missed his calling as a big brother because he would have been so good at it. He's also an animal lover and while he's obsessed with nay nays (bunnies), he also loves cats and dogs. He's very sad that we will never get a dog, but holding out for a nay nay when he's 10 and can take care of it!

All in all, Emmett continues to be a happy go lucky little guy. I love watching him watch movies because he gets to into them. He hops up and down when he's excited, screams and hides when he's scared, and giggles hysterically when something is funny. It's hilarious watching all of his reactions! We love our little guy so much and couldn't imagine life without him!

Dada's old clothes

Emmett's Stats
Weight:  39.8 pounds
Height:   42.75 inches 

What Emmett Wears
His shirts are all 5T, but 4T shorts still fit him. 4T pants are getting short and I think he'll move up to 5T in the fall. His pajamas are 5T and shoes are size 9.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita, Bailey, Elise, Eleanora, fruit, animals, bubbles, being outside (especially in the woods), climbing, balls, running, jumping, dancing, bikes, scooters, stuffed animals (especially nay nays), reading, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs, puzzles, cars/trucks, sports, tools, digging, and smashing things, anything bunny related.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Not being able to do what Clara and Bailey do, Clara not sharing, and having to eat something he doesn't like.

Emmett is starting to eat more things.  He's gotten better about at least trying new things and often declares in surprise that he likes them! Emmett loves meat and says his favorite foods are salmon and sausage. He loves fruit (especially mandarins and oranges) and will eat most cooked vegetables. He's still not a fan of salad and refers to all raw vegetables as "salads."

Emmett is almost never quiet! He still doesn't say all of his sounds correctly, and it makes him seem younger than he is. I often underestimate how smart he is purely because he doesn't speak 100% correctly. 

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed around 8:00 and gets up around 6:30. He pretty much always sleeps in Clara's room at night and his room for nap. He sleeps in a twin bed with a million nay nays (bunnies). He still takes a two to three hour nap most days and turns into a cry baby if he doesn't take one. I've realized that he sometimes takes a while to fall asleep at night when he takes a long nap, but he just lays quietly in bed and plays with his animals. Emmett can still fall asleep anywhere and is my little sleepy guy. 

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Baby Bug, Little Bug, Bud, Emee, Bubba

Favorite Colors
Blue, Orange, Green, and Yellow

Best Friends
It still alternates between Bailey and Elise.

Exciting Events
May 28, 2020: Starts playing piano with both hands together
March 13, 2020: First pandemic begins
December 7, 2019: Rides on his first float (for Clara's class)
November 29, 2019: First ballet, the Nutcracker (he actually loved it)
November 19, 2019: First concert, Lindsey Stirling
August 10, 2019: Masters riding a bike without training wheels


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