Friday, December 11, 2020

July Fun 2020

July saw a lot of family time. Dada got exposed to COVID at work so we spent a couple weeks (including Emmett's birthday) quarantining. That coupled with our neighbor getting COVID and not being able to play with Olive and Winne meant a month of staying home and entertaining ourselves. This involved Clara dressing Emmett up in a lot of princess dresses and her old recital costumes. He was a good sport most of the time!

Clara also choreographed numerous dances to Decedents songs and taught the dances to the other kids. There was a performance one night that turned into Clarita sobbing when Emmett and Elise thought it would be more fun to stick their tongues out and dance silly than do her moves. It was hilarious to watch and I was pretty impressed with Clara's choreography. I let her do a hip hop class during the summer and it appears that she learned something!

There was a lot of fun with the cousins including slip 'n slides, swimming, and BBQs. Clara and Emmett took swim lessons since I was home every day and could just work outside during the lessons. It also meant they could swim outside while I worked so they got a lot of swimming in! We went to Brinley's drive through birthday party, went on lots of walks, and snuggled a lot with the kittens. The kids had some dress up days for daycare and I enjoyed not having to teach anyone! Bailey and Emmett's piano recital finally went live and we streamed it while facetiming with Tios. That made it a little more fun!

Dada's old shirt

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