Those of you who know me well know that I really like my sleep. Seriously, I need eight hours but can make do with seven. That being said, I was really nervous about having a baby. I mean, I knew that they need to eat a lot and wake up during the night. Throughout my whole pregnancy I told everyone that my baby was going to be a good sleeper because I needed her to be.
I also believe in my ability to will things. Like willing my baby to be a good sleeper, or willing her to be a happy baby, or willing her to be a girl (so ok, maybe that one isn't really possible...but maybe it is...). Everyone thinks that I am crazy but I think I have pretty strong willpower!
It's true |
Turns out I got a very good baby (I willed really hard)! She only fusses/cries when she is tired, hungry, or has an upset stomach. She only wakes up once during the night! Clara generally goes to bed around 10:00 PM and wakes up around 3:00 AM and then again between 6:00 and 7:00 AM. I am totally happy with this arrangement!
Sometimes we let Baza hold the baby... |
Clara is also really easy going. On Tuesday we went to Fresno to run errands. She slept almost the entire time! We picked up her birth certificate, got gas, got a car wash/wax, and I got my first post-pregnancy allergy shot. Clara woke up right before the allergy shot and ate for five minutes (oh yeah, she is also a very efficient eater and usually eats for five to ten minutes) then went in happy to meet the nurses who have been waiting for her to arrive. Then she went back to sleep and slept until we got home. That evening I had a church council meeting which Clara accompanied me to. Needless to say, she slept through the entire meeting and didn't make a peep. My pastor didn't even realize that she was there until my mom referenced her!
The rest of our week was filled with visitors and fun! Penni, my friend Mikael's mom, came over Thursday to meet Clara and bring us dinner. Clara loved snuggling with her honorary Grandma and the food was delicious! We also gave Clarita her her first real bath Thursday night. Her tummy was bothering her and she was fussy all evening crying unless we held her(and even sometimes when we did). I thought it was going to be a disaster but as soon as she got in the water she turned into happy baby and splashed around (as much as a three week old baby can splash). She was happy the entire time, even when I washed her hair!
Clara and Penni |
Kevin made me hide her lady parts |
All snuggled in her froggy towel (like when we give the cats a bath says Kevin) |
On Friday my friend Kate came to visit in the morning and Clara got lots of snuggles. Kate and I have been great friends since high school and she has three kids which means lots of experience and wisdom to share. It was great hanging out with her and Clara loved it too. Next time Sophia, Kate's almost six-year-old daughter, will have to come as well because she adores Clara!
Saturday, Kevin left early in the morning headed to San Luis for his cousin Ashley's fiance, Yayo's, bachelor party. Clara and I cleaned all morning and had a visit from Abuela Sheri. That evening was Ashley's mini-bachelorette party so my mom came to babysit Clara. This was Clara's first time away from me but she did great! On Friday Kevin gave Clarita her first bottle to make sure she would take one. She loved her bottle and gulped it down! Clara was very good for La Abuelita. She slept, snuggled, and drank two bottles. And La Abuelita even managed to change her first cloth diaper! I enjoyed a night out with the girls too! My mom spent the night and it was nice to have her there to occupy Clara before she went to church in the morning. I actually got to make breakfast and eat it sitting down!
Clara and La Abuelita |
The Ladies |
Sunday Clara and I hung out all morning and then she played with Daddy when he got home around noon and Tia Laurie who came over for a wedding planning session. Clara also got a visit from Daddy's friend Todd. They grew up down the street from each other and have been friends since they were tiny. Todd lives in San Francisco now so it is always fun to see him when he comes home or when we go north. In the evening we went to Auntie Alyssa and Uncle Rene's house to sign our taxes and visit. We took dinner and Clara "played" with Baby Bubbles and Tristan (I forgot to take pictures). We got home late so Clara was ready for bed and fell asleep while I was changing her! She is quite the little trooper and lets us cart her all over!
Clara and Todd |
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