Clara's first Easter was a success! For being only 12 days old she did really well. Clarita had a very cute Easter dress that her Tio Roberto and Tia Erika gave her. We started the day out by going to church. First we had breakfast and she got to meet everyone who has been so patiently awaiting her arrival. Needless to say she was the center of attention. Kevin then took her into the cry room since there were so many people in church while I set up refreshments. As soon as I was done I decided to feed her since she was fussy. No sooner had I sat down then the pastor announced that the children would be leaving for Children's Church (which I am in charge of) and started calling my name. So Clara did not get to eat, she instead accompanied my mom, Kevin, and me along with 13 kids to learn about the Easter story and hunt eggs.
I must say Clara was a trooper. Even though she was hungry she took a pacifier and was quiet long enough for me to teach the lesson. Then I fed her while the kids hunted. My favorite quote of the day was from a boy who is probably ten. He asked me, "Is that a boy baby or a girl baby?" (oblivious to her fluffy dress) he then asked, "Does it have a name yet?"
Clarita's Easter dress |
After church we headed to Tia Laurie and Tio Russell's house. It was a full house with my family, Kevin's family, Russell's family, and my sister-in-law Erika's family. Clara was once again the center of attention (until her cousin Teagan, who's exactly one week older, arrived and she had to share) and got lots of love and snuggles. She got quite a few Easter presents, my favorite (and Tristan's) being the monkey dressed up in a chicken suit that does the chicken dance from La Abulita Marty. Clarita was wide awake for almost the entire day!
Cousin twins! |
Our nephew, Tristan, is seven and a half so we had an Easter egg hunt for him. Clara and I also joined (the fact that I had to carry her made Tristan and I even) and Kevin's sister, Alyssa, hunted for Teagan as well (cheating because she didn't carry the baby). It was a lot of fun. Tristan doesn't really like candy. When I asked him if he wanted eggs filled with candy or empty, he said empty making my job easier since I just had to take them out of the bag (Laurie, Robert, and Kevin hid them).
Family picture |
I was surprised that Clara was able to stay up so long and still be happy. She had never been awake for more than three hours before. Aside from a couple ten minute naps, she stayed awake from basically 10:00 AM until 4:30 PM. Then she took a little nap in Tia Laurie's lap and was awake again until 9:30 PM! She was quite fussy once we got home as she was super tired and fighting sleep. However, she was still a very good baby and Kevin and I were very proud of her!
Johnson Clan |
Parkinsons |
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