Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Un Dia de la Vida de Clarita

So my friend Sarah has a blog about her son and she does a "Day in the Life of Reed" post every month or so. I really liked this idea before I had a baby because it gave me a glimpse into a baby's life and how they change. I decided to do the same thing so I (and you too) can see how Clara changes. It also lets me see just what I do all day since I often feel like I didn't accomplish anything...turns out I do, lots of feeding and snuggles;)!

I kept track of everything as a "note" on the ipad and had originally done it for Wednesday, April 10, 2013. Right as I went to copy everything to write the blog, all my notes disappeared never to be found again! Needless to say, I was a little frustrated. Oh well, onward ho! So I kept track again on Monday April 15, 2013 when Clarita was 27 days old. I did a better job of taking pictures to document her day this time (since I took maybe one last week) so I guess it was a good thing the ipad erased everything. Oh technology...

I don't know if we have a "typical day" yet as Clara is constantly changing. Her routines change from week to week and even day to day. Last week she didn't want to sleep in the morning and slept all afternoon, the week before it was opposite, and so far this week she wants to sleep off and on all day! We do have things that we do everyday: eat, sleep, poop, go for walks, snuggle, read, play, etc. The times vary but she generally goes to bed between 10:00 and 10:30, gets up to eat between 3:00 and 3:30, and wakes up for the day between 6:15 and 7:00. The rest of the day varies from day to day with lots of naps, feedings, and diaper changes. Here's a glimpse into "un dia de la vida de Clarita"!

3:46: Clara wakes up a little later than usual because we went to bed late last night. She nurses and I change her diaper.
4:03: Back to bed and she falls right to sleep.
6:15: Clara wakes up and is ready for the day!
6:38: Clara nurses and I take off her diaper to let her air off and wrap her in a towel.
6:58: As we are reading in her room, Clara decides to poop everywhere. I set her down on her changing table to clean her off and she pees everywhere getting it all over herself, even in her hair! Needless to say, this necessitates a bath which she loves (I think it was her plan to get a bath).

7:42: Clara nurses and get dressed for the day.
7:57: We resume our reading and Clara falls asleep.
8:05: Clara naps in the bouncy chair while I get dressed, eat, do a load of diapers, make bed, and tidy the house.

9:05: Clara wakes up hungry and nurses.
9:18: We go for walk and mail our taxes. Clarita falls asleep.

10:09: Clara is still sleeping so I do some yard work while she shade bathes by the pool.

11:14: Clara wakes up and she nurses and I change her diaper.
11:30: Clara plays with me and we snuggle.
11:55: Clarita goes into the moby wrap to help me prepare lunch.
12:35: Daddy comes home and Clarita sleeps in bouncy chair wile Mommy and Daddy eat. Then she gets some snuggles with Daddy in before he has to go back to work.
1:01: More nursing and a diaper change.
1:18: Clarita plays on the playmat while I fold laundry and stuff her diapers.

1:55: Tummy time (she's not so happy with this today so it's short lived).

2:00: Clara nurses some more and I change her diaper.
2:17: Clara loves the vacuum so I hold her while I vacuum.
2:38: There is a major poop explosion (the first one with cloth diapers) so we change her diaper and outfit.

The cloth diapers are so huge on her!
2:45: Clara nurses again.
2:53: Snuggle time with Mommy until Clarita falls asleep.
3:00: Nap in the swing (she woke up after 10 minutes but quietly entertained herself eating her hands).

3:35: The little wiggle has had enough of the swing and cries until I take her out. She then falls asleep on my lap on the boppy while I write a blog and do VBS stuff.

5:08: Clara wakes up and nurses and I change her diaper.
5:40: The snugglepuff naps in the swing until Daddy comes home.
5:58: Clarita plays with daddy (they read, walk around yard, and she fusses) while I run.
7:07: Clara is hungry when I get home so she nurses.
7:21: Nap time.
8:05: Clarita wakes up screaming and we do a diaper change and she nurses and acts like she is not hungry.

8:14: Apparently she was hungry and Clara cries until she nurses some more.
8:38: Clara has lap tummy time (the only thing that calms her down right now) and a diaper change.

9:00: Clara and Daddy snuggle time while I get ready for bed.
9:36: Clarita nurses one last time, I change her diaper and put her pajamas on.
9:56: Time to get all swaddled up and go to bed. She falls asleep right away!

1 comment:

  1. I love how cute and tiny she looks in the cloth diapers!!!
