Monday, April 8, 2013

Clara's Meet and Greet

Clara has been so lucky to have so many people that love her and want to meet her. She even had to have a meet and greet party so that she could meet a lot of our friends! I've been trying to document her meeting everyone so here are the pictures of Clarita's new friends that she's met since coming home from the hospital!  There are some people that didn't hold her (all the guys) or that I forgot to document so I am sure that there will be more to come!

Cousins Tristan, Teagan, and Auntie Alyssa


Sophia was in love!

Tio Abuelos Tod and Traci


Cousin Michelle


Another Sarah

Reedcito, future boyfriend?

Great Auntie Lisa

Lindsay practicing for Baby Bobcat


Cousin Ashley



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