Thursday, March 27, 2014

12 Months/1 Year!!!

I don't know how it happened, but somehow my little Wiggle stopped being a baby and turned into a little girl ... It seems like only yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital, but it also seems like a lifetime ago and I can't imagine my life without her! This past year has been so much fun watching Clarita grow and change. Although Kevin and I often say we want to stop time, I also find myself saying that each stage Clara passes through is my favorite. She started walking this past month which quickly turned into running and is unstoppable now! She is also less frustrated because we can put her down anywhere we go and she can run around. Which is perfect because playing outside is one of her favorite things!

Why is that white stuff so cold Fafa?

At the Big Trees

Helping to give the stray cats water

Clara continues to be super happy. As a friend at church put it, she seems like she just loves life! That really describes her. My mom always says that she can't stop smiling on the way home from babysitting Clara because they have so much fun together and Clarita is just so happy. Don't get me wrong, she is super stubborn and opinionated and can throw a fit in the drop of a hat if she doesn't get what she wants, but she can also generally be redirected and the tears stop as quickly as they began.

The babies attacking Tristan

If it's a walker why can't I walk on it?

We decided to take Clara for a bike ride this month. By the time we got everything figured out and ready it was almost nap time...not a good time to try putting a helmet on Clarita. She hated the helmet and cried when we put it on. Once we started moving she was fine, but the helmet kept falling over her eyes. We decided that was probably not a safe way to wear a helmet and called it quits after a few blocks.

Clara absolutely loves her stuffed animals, especially her monitos, and requests them. She has a sound for monkey that she always says when she sees one (kind of like maa maa or mo mo). Clarita likes to give her stuffed animals hugs and kisses (aka bite their noses). She continues to love her cats and rarely pulls their fur or tails. Baza actually comes up and rubs on her and requests her to pet him and Spikey tolerates Clara's petting. Clara loves Tio Chino's and Tia Laurie's dogs and takes forever to eat her dinner when we are there because she has to watch them the entire time. Clara also likes to pet babies and other little kids. I think she thinks they are cats!

Sharing her monito with Baza (they're both helping fold her clothes)!

Stuffed bears at the cabin

Reading is one of Clara's favorite activities and she will choose books for us to read to her. She actually sits still on our laps while we read (a miracle for her) and often wants to read a book numerous times or read multiple books. Clarita also likes looking at her books on her own and will sit and turn the pages and point to the different pictures.

Clarita still hasn't experienced separation anxiety. She literally tries to jump out of my arms to get to Abuelita when she arrives to babysit. Then Clara starts waving to me, probably telling me that it's time for me to go so that she and Abuelita can play. She has also bonded even more with Kevin now that he has been staying home with her two days a week. In the morning after she nurses she is done with me and only wants Dada! She also loves playing with her little friends and cousins.

Two screaming babies? Yes please!

Daylynn and Clara

Why is Baby Cambria screaming?

Clara always sleeps through all the fun

Clara got another hair cut this month as her mullet was once again out of control. Kevin is very sentimental and hates when she gets her long hair cut off. I, on the other hand, really don't will grow back! Abuelita and I also got our hair cut with Clarita. Clara was in the middle of a snack when Bri attempted to cut her hair and she screamed! Bri ended up cutting my hair while Clara ate then I fed her snacks while Bri cut her hair. She looks so grown up now! Clara had fun playing with Daylynn and her friends. She was so cute trying to run after them on her tiny little legs!

Snuggling with Baby Cambria

Still no teeth for the little Wiggle but Clara's favorite thing to do is eat yet she stays tiny. She wakes up signing eat and signs it throughout the day when she gets hungry. She knows signs for some foods like banana and will sign those or point to what she wants. If you give her the incorrect food she shakes her head no until you give her what she wants. She will love something one day and refuse to eat it the next, but still eats pretty much all foods and hasn't shown any definite dislikes. It's hard to pinpoint a favorite food, but she loves fruit and will eat that until she is ready to explode.

This month Clara began making some distinct sounds for certain words. Although I am reluctant to say she talks as really it's just a sound that only people who spend a lot of time with her can decipher, I guess it's the beginning of talking. The words she tries to say are all similar in English and Spanish so it's hard to tell what language she's trying to speak. She has said mama and dada for months and I know she knows who we are because if you ask her where we are she will look and point. However she still just babbles the words all the time. That being said, Clara actually signed mama and said mama at the same time so I decided that was obviously her official first word. I didn't even see it, but Kevin told me all about it. She has special sounds for more, monkey, and says mama and dada.

We have also taught Clara really important things like how to stick her index finger out to touch ours when we say "ET" and how to pound her chest and yell when we ask her what a gorilla does! One day I came home from work and all I could hear were little footsteps and yelling. Apparently she had been running around all day pounding her chest and yelling and my mom didn't know why! I also tell her "no, no, no" and shake my finger. She now will start to do something she knows she shouldn't and then stop and shake her finger.

She loves her birthday present from Reedcito and Kierito!

Texas Fight!

It's so fun to watch Clara's little (well more like giant) personality develop. She never stops moving or talking...she's certainly not a boring little girl, that's for sure!

Clarita's Stats (courtesy of the doctor)

Weight:17 pounds 7 ounces (still 15th percentile)
Height: 29.5 inches 
Head Circumference: 17 inches

What Clara Wears

9 months clothes still fit her pretty well. She wears a couple of her 12 month outfits but they are still quite large on her.

Things Clara Loves

Mama and Dada, nursing, going for walks, naked baby time, pacifiers (especially her monito), car rides, her pouch, reading books, being a baby airplane, people, taking showers in the Bumbo, playing with her toys, animals (especially her cats), eating, playing peek a boo, anything with a rough/bumpy texture, walking, empty bottles, cardboard boxes, phones, remote controls, brushing her "teeth", running up and down the stairs with Mama, Baby Signing Time DVD, stuffed animals, getting the ABCs sung to her while pointing at them on the wall, Tio Chino's wallett

Things Clara Does Not Love

She is such a happy baby that there aren't many things Clara dislikes. However, when she encounters one she lets it be known with screams and lots of tears. These include waiting, being told "no", having her face or nose wiped, having things taken away from her

How Clarita Sleeps

Clara takes an hour and a half nap around 10:00 and another around 3:00. She goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00. Clarita sleeps in her sleep sack in her crib with her pacifier. She generally falls right to sleep. I wake her up around 6:45 to get her ready when she goes to Kevin's parents' house, but on days she doesn't have to leave early she wakes up between 7:15 to 7:30.


Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggle, Baby/Bebe, Sapita, Munchkin, Birthday Twin, Monkey Butt

Sign Language

Clara can sign eat, more, please, thank you, hat, ball, sleep, baby (her favorite), banana, water, milk, bird, dog, cat, mama, dada, hurt, shoes, socks, wash hands, frog and book. She will do her signs spontaneously or to prompts in Spanish or English. 

Monthly Exciting Events

March 19, 2014: Clara eats her first french fry!
March 16, 2014: Clara says her first official word, Mama, accompanied with the sign so we know she understood what she was saying!
March 15, 2014: Clara's first time bowling and her first junk food, frosting! It was love at first lick!
March 2, 2014: Clara starts walking
March 1, 2014: Clarita runs her first postpartum race with Tia Laurie
February 26, 2014: Clara starts blowing kisses
February 23, 2014: Clara's first bike ride (not a success)

Monthly Pictures

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