Monday, March 31, 2014

Clara's First Birthday Festivities

Kevin and I both took off work on Clara's birthday and took her to the zoo. She had a great time pointing at all the animals and running around. Clara really liked the squirrels and birds that were running around when we were eating lunch. She actually off running after them and signing bird! We got to see the baby tigers that are only out for a couple of hours each day. I don't think Clara was too impressed by them, but Kevin and I had fun watching them play with each other. The zoo was exhausting and Clarita was asleep the second we put her in the car even though it was well before her usual nap time. We stopped at In N Out on the way home and she woke up in time to eat some french fries. This was her first french fry experience and she really liked them. She did, however, choose peas over the fries a couple of times so at least she still likes her veggies!

We had Clarita's birthday party the Saturday following her birthday and it was, of course, pink polka dot themed! I had been studying for my licensing test and didn't really have a lot of free time to get stuff done. Luckily I had a bunch of left over puffs from my baby shower (thanks Tia Laurie), lots of Mason jars and bird cages that I borrowed from Tia Laurie, a super cute banner that Kate made Clarita, and I spent the past couple of church council meetings making banners and a wreath. We invited family (Kevin's family is huge!) and a few close friends who are like family. It was the perfect day and everything turned out really well!

Luckily Clarita has very talented Tias! Tia Laurie made her a super awesome puffy pink polka dot tutu and Tia Alyssa made her a cute pink polka dot flower "1" shirt and matching hair clip! Clara was very cute in her party outfit!

I actually had to wake Clara up from a two hour nap to come to the party. She was happy and spent lots of time waving at everyone and playing with the big girls, Jessica and Sophia. Clara absolutely LOVED her cupcake! She started out by poking it with one finger. Then she tried some frosting and decided that it was fabulous. She proceeded to grab handfuls (only using one hand) of frosting and cake and shovel it into her mouth! She acted like she was starving and hadn't just eaten a big lunch. I think she was mad that Kevin and I hadn't given her cake before!

Teagan trying to steal Clarita's Os

What's Eden doing?

Playing with Baby Holly

I'm supposed to blow what out?

Wait, I forgot the bib!

While opening presents Clarita decided that she wanted to play with them of course. She was playing with her little push popper toy and fell and hit her mouth on it. She began screaming like I've never heard her scream before and I realized that she had cut her lip and was bleeding. I had been thinking that morning how Clara had not fallen and drawn blood yet. Luckily all she needed was a pacifier and drink of water to make it all better! She got tons of presents which she has had great fun playing with. She also got lots of super clothes which I will have fun dressing her up in! All in all, I think it was the perfect first birthday party for the little Wiggle and I think she enjoyed herself!

Logan was obsessed with this toy and
even took it to show his mom so she
get him one!

Hey mom, didn't I have one of these?

Birthday twin panzas...too much cake!

Birthday twins!

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