Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Party Animal!

Apparently we know a lot of people with birthdays in March. As a result this past weekend was fun filled with birthday parties with a half marathon squeezed in for good measure! We began Friday night with a surprise party for Tia Laurie. Her 30th birthday (man she's old!) was on March 5 but when I sent out the evite I accidentally put the wrong date so we went with it and had the party a week late. She was certainly surprised and showed up in her pajamas thinking we were watching movies and decorating cakes and chalkboards for Clara's one year photo shoot the following day. Tio Chino didn't text me when they left their house so we weren't quite ready for the surprise (and I didn't get it on film), but it still worked out. Clara had fun playing with Connor and petting Kierito and Baby Cambria. Connor kept trying to give her hugs and kisses and she forcefully pushed him away each time. At one point he was running behind her with his arms outstretched! They had fun fighting over cheerios and soda cans. Clarita also really liked the "balls" in the trees and kept signing ball and pointing to them. When I was hanging them she even climbed up on the stepstool behind me! Tia Laurie and Tio Chino were troopers and still assisted with photo shoot preparation after the party. Tia Laurie decorated the chalkboard that she made (literally she painted a picture frame with chalkboard paint) and Tio Chino helped frost Clara's giant cupcake!

Saturday was Chelsea's 30th birthday so we began the festivities with some bowling. Clara was in heaven surrounded by balls and people. She once again evaded the boys with shoves, but did let Ryan put a necklace on her. She had lots of fun pushing the ball down the ramp and watching it hit the pins (I think she may have had more fun chewing on the ramp)! We headed over to Chelsea and Drew's for food and fun after bowling. I had to leave early to attend a local play that I have season tickets to, but Clarita and Dada stayed and played. Clara had fun chasing the little wiener dog, playing with the boys, and of course, playing with all of the toys!

We got off to an early start on Sunday. Dada ran a half marathon and I woke Clara up at 5:40 to get ready. She was not too into waking up so early, but once she was awake she was happy. Tia Laurie, Clara, and I hung out and watched the runners. Clarita loved clapping and squealing as the runners ran by, especially for Dada! The race ended in the local minor league baseball stadium and Clara thought it was really fun to stand at the entrance and wave and squeal at all the people entering. She also got really excited when she saw the Dippin' Dots stand. She started signing "ball" and ran over to touch all of the circles, aka balls! Dada ran his personal best with a time of 1:35:15! Way to go Dada! Tio Chino and our friend Michael also ran the race and did great as well. The best part was the yummy breakfast at Blossom Trail Cafe after the race. Poor Clarita slept through it.

After the half marathon we headed over to Tio Rene and Tio Alyssa's for Teagan's first birthday party. Tia Alyssa did a great job of decorating including a pink/zebra themed tutu that she made for Bubbles! Clara had tons of fun. She ran all over "talking" up a storm. She also played with cousin Jessica and I decided that I need a nine-year-old girl to come over and play with Clara when I want to get stuff done. Jessica was awesome with Clara and kept her occupied! Clarita decided that she wanted to help Teagan unwrap presents. At one point Teagan opened some balls that Clara really wanted. Teagan wouldn't let go of them and Clara became very angry. She started yelling and moving her little arms up and down in a very upset motion. It was hilarious and I'm pretty sure the entire room was laughing. By the end of the party the little Wiggle was exhausted and took a nearly two hour nap in Teagan's crib. I had to wake her up because it was time to go home. Now she's all ready for her party this weekend!

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