Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Tribute to Taco

Tio's dad, Kenny "Taco" Suemoto passed away on April 24, 2015. He went the way he would have wanted, in his sleep, and didn't suffer. It was a very sad day for the Suemotos and our entire family. Kenny was like a second father to Dada and he spent much time growing up at the Suemoto's house. Kenny was quite the character and loved to watch TV in his underwear and said whatever was on his mind no matter how un-politically correct. He also had a plethora of slightly inappropriate yet hilarious shirts that he loved to wear when Donna would let him. Kenny was so much fun to have around and always made you laugh. He was also a hard worker and always willing to lend a hand. When we moved into our house, Kenny showed up without being asked, tools in hand, ready to help where needed. Whenever we needed something fixed we called him and he was always ready to help if he could.

Clara loved Kenny, or Taco, as Tio convinced her he was called. She used to laugh at him and say "Oh taco" when he did something silly. He was an honorary grandpa to her and she was very blessed to have him in her life for two years. She got to see him often at holidays, family gatherings, and even got to go to the zoo with him. Kenny was an amazing grandfather to Bailey and was so very excited to have a granddaughter. I remember him waiting in the hospital waiting room, sleeping on the chairs, and the look of pure joy on his face when he met sweet Bailey for the first time! He thoroughly enjoyed the six months he got to spend with her and even got to babysit her solo once. It saddens me to know that Bailey won't get to know her grandpa, but I know we will always tell her stories about how awesome he was and she will definitely know that he loved her!

There are s many hilarious Kenny stories, but I will always remember him comparing bellies with me when I was pregnant with Clara and telling me that he had been growing his baby for 30 years but never given birth! I'll also remember him starting fires with the mower at my mom's house as we got ready for Tio and Tia's wedding. And of course there's all of his sayings like "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" He was a truly amazing man and he will live on in our memories and our hearts.

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