Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Second Trimester

Weeks 14 - 20: Although I continued to run nine miles three times per week through week 20, it's like my body knew the second it hit the second trimester. Without making any conscious effort I started running slower the very first day of my first trimester and continued to get slower and slower... I still felt great and often forgot I was pregnant. Around 15 weeks we finally told everyone I was pregnant. A lot of people had already figured it out since I was already starting to show, but we surprised a few! When we found out it was a boy I immediately realized that I was carrying him so differently than I carried Clara. With her my stomach was fat all over and although I carried her low, she was not nearly as low as Emmett. With him I am just popped out and feel huge! I got my glucose tolerance test around week 18 and my sugar was so low (49) that the doctor called to check on me (I felt perfectly fine). With Clara it was 70 so I'm pretty sure I don't have diabetes!

14 Weeks Clara

14 Weeks

15 Weeks Clara

15 Weeks

16 Weeks Clara

16 Weeks

17 Weeks Clara

17 Weeks

18 Weeks Clara

18 Weeks

19 Weeks Clara

19 Weeks

20 Weeks Clara

20 Weeks

Weeks 21-23: I get even slower running and decide to gradually decrease my mileage with the goal of six miles three times per week for the last trimester. I run eight miles three times per week during this time and my quads often feel like lead for the first four! I know I didn't run this fast or this far when I was this pregnant with Clarita, but I'm not sure if I started running less/slower sooner because I was sore of because people convinced me that I should. I don't really get much soreness after runs this time around. Prenatal yoga is now one of my favorite activities. With Clara I remember thinking it was too slow and boring. Now I love the time to relax and connect with Emmett. I have even fallen asleep a couple of times during the final relaxation pose! I always give up sweets for Lent and this time have a much more difficult time than usual with cravings. I blame it on being pregnant!

21 Weeks Clara

21 Weeks

22 Weeks Clara

22 Weeks

23 Weeks Clara

23 Weeks

Weeks 24-27: I cut down to seven miles three times a week running but take almost a week off while Kevin is in Holland. I even resort to running with the stroller and manage to run five and a half miles with her! I fall running during the last week and skin my knees up pretty badly. Luckily I manage to turn in midair and not land on my stomach. The last time I fell running was when I was pregnant with Clarita. While sitting in the waiting room before a doctor appointment I feel like I may be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. The doctor confirms it and says it's normal. I didn't notice these until the very end of my pregnancy with Clara AFTER the doctor pointed them out. We take several road trips and sitting in the car for hours on end is not as fun while pregnant! I still feel great for the most part and manage to forget I'm pregnant most of the time! I start freaking out because we have done nothing for the nursery so I paint a dresser for Clara's room (so her current dresser can go to the nursery) which makes me feel better.

24 Weeks Clara

24 Weeks

25 Weeks Clara

25 Weeks
26 Weeks Clara
26 Weeks

27 Weeks Clara

27 Weeks


  1. I hit the third trimester and instantly could not run four times a week anymore. Went to three immediately and am holding steady with jog/incline walking and weights. :)
