Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Red, White, and Blue Weekend

We had a fun filled Memorial Day Weekend which started with a celebration of "Hunky" Henry's first birthday. It was lumberjack themed and Beth and Casey did a great job of making everything super cute and the food was amazing! Clarita loved playing with all of the ninos on the slide, with the bubble machine, and "mowing" the grass like Dada. She also really liked the red frosting on her cupcake. She called it fresa and licked it all off! It was great seeing all of the kiddos playing together (even if Clara was trying to boss all of them around). I only managed to get one picture so I had to steal some from Sarah's blog who stole them from Lindsay...

"Fresa" pastelito

Casey, Beth, and Hunky Henry



Reedcito, Lyla, and Kierito

After the party, we headed up to the Cabin for the night. Clara immediately fell asleep but woke up after a little over an hour and was so excited about all the pine trees that she would not go back to sleep. She had a blast playing with all of the stuffed animals Abuela Sheri has collected and then we walked to the clubhouse for the Memorial Day potluck dinner. Clara was not so fond about having to wait to eat, but hung in there and ate a bit of food. She finished with a cupcake (or rather, the chocolate frosting from the cupcake) and was excited to walk back to the cabin. She saw some metal deer in a yard and exclaimed, "Oh venado like Santa Claus have!" I guess she still remembers Christmas!

Clara refused to go to sleep unless Dada laid by her on the floor (she insisted on sleeping on the floor and not the crib). Luckily she was tired and the rain lulled her to sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night and Dada had to sleep with her on the floor.

Sunday Dada headed out bright and early to ride his bike 25 miles to Cedar Grove. We followed in the car and ended up catching him a few miles before he got there. We all headed out with a few other cabin owners to hike to Mist Falls. Unfortunately, Clarita decided that she did not want to go in the hiking backpack. She threw a screaming tantrum when we tried to put her in and declared that she would walk. Needless to say we didn't get that far with her walking. Everyone else went on ahead and we made it two miles. I'd say that was pretty impressive for a tired little girl! She actually admitted she was tired, but still refused to go in the backpack. We ate lunch and decided to head back since we were obviously not going to make it the remaining two miles to the falls. Much to her chagrin, we shoved Clara into the backpack kicking and screaming. She eventually calmed down and seemed to enjoy the ride. We let her out to walk again when we were near the car and she declared that she did not like the backpack.

I may have put her in backwards

Clara was absolutely exhausted and fell asleep on the drive back. She woke up after about an hour when we got back to the cabin and refused to sleep any longer. We hung out and played while we waited for los abuelos. Clara had fun playing with them when they got back and eating her body weight in fruit and riding Dada el caballo. We headed home after dinner and were sad to leave the nice cool mountains and head back down into the valley heat.

Giddy up Dada!

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