Monday, May 25, 2015

Friends, Family, and Fiestas!

Mother’s Day weekend we headed off yet again to Newport Beach for Dada’s cousin, Shawna’s, wedding. Randomly the wedding was across the street from our friends Beth and Ken’s house so we stayed with them and Clarita got to see Hadley again. We didn't get there until 9:30 and Clara didn't fall asleep until 15 minutes before we got there. Needless to say, she went right to sleep when we got there.  Saturday morning Clara woke up bright and early so she and I went on a walk while Dada slept. We ended up at a little park and she had a blast playing. We got back and Beth and Ken made us a fabulous breakfast and the girls got to play before we headed off to Hadley’s music class. Once Clara warmed up she thought the music class was fun. We played in the park before heading to lunch where the girls were more excited about the yogurt covered raisins and the papas fritas than real food. The girls were exhausted after their long morning and went to sleep right away when we got back. We enjoyed some adult time with Beth and Ken and then got ready for the wedding.

Clara stayed with Beth, Ken, and Hadley while we went to the wedding and she had a blast. She latched onto Beth right away and was not the least bit sad when we left. Although Hadley is six months younger than Clara, they are about the same size and Hadley talks up a storm just like Clarita. Apparently Clara was her bossy little self and Hadley eventually gave up and let Clara have her way (like washing her in their bath). The girls went for a walk and blew bubbles, played with Hadley’s toys (Clara really liked the stroller and dolls), ate dinner (Clara refused to eat trout), and both requested to take a bath so Beth obliged. Clarita told us all about how much fun she had when she woke up the next morning!

We had tons of fun at the wedding. It was at a nature center and was beautiful. Shawna and Cat looked gorgeous and the kids in the wedding stole the show by being so cute. We were so glad to share in their special day and so happy for Shawna and Cat! The highlight of the wedding was the vegan food; aka the first wedding I've been to since I stopped eating meat years ago where I could eat everything! And the food was amazing. My favorites were the grilled cheese appetizers (I think it was cashew cheese) and the avocado tacos (think a fish taco but with battered avocado instead of fish)! And of course the s’mores were awesome too!

Shawna and her parents

Cutest ring bearers ever!

Holly insisted on pushing!

Cat and her parents


Sunday morning Clara woke up early again and Dada took her for a walk and let me sleep in for Mother’s Day! We went to a gourmet doughnut shop for breakfast where Clarita had a meltdown because she did not get her doughnut fast enough. Hadley was much more patient. We headed out around 10:30 and made a stop at the beach before heading home. Clarita absolutely loved the beach and had no fear of the water. She ran straight into the waves and Dada had to grab her so she wouldn't get swept away! She then decided to “swim” in the sand and was covered in sand from head to toe. We had to wash her off in the sink before we got in the car. She fell asleep right away and slept for a couple hours in the car.

Finally got her doughnut!

The obligatory sand eating

"I swimming"

We made it to Tio Robert and Tia Erika’s house around 4:30, just in time for the Mother’s Day celebration. Clara was excited to get out of the car and run around and eat! There were lots of people there and lots of good food. We had a great time relaxing and hanging out with family. It was a busy day but I was glad to be able to spend it with Clarita and my mom!

Avocado is yucky!

The Wiggle who made me a mama

The mama who made me the mama I am

Aba and her "babies"

The whole family

One of these things is not like the others, one of these
things just doesn't belong...

Eating Dada's ice cream

 Since we didn't get to spend time with Dada’s family on Mother’s Day, we had them all over for dinner the following next weekend. Dada bar-b-qued and Clarita and Teegee played. Tristan insisted on swimming even though it wasn't that warm and Clara was jealous. The girls had a blast eating at the little table and just being silly. It’s fun to watch them play since they are so close in age and love each other so much! We didn't get everyone together for pictures, but I got a few of the girls. Next time we’ll have to make it a point to get pictures with Dada’s family!

Yumm pepino!

Even a fall off the bench didn't stop Clara from eating
brownie and ice cream!


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