Monday, June 1, 2015

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita

This is from Monday, May 25, 2015. I did one of these last Memorial Day so I thought it would be fun to compare and see how much Clarita has changed in the past year! I'd say she's changed a bit!!

4:17: Clara wakes up crying "Dada, Dada, Dada." She's been having difficulty sleeping if we're not in the room with her, we think due to bad dreams, so I put her in our bed with us and she's out in five minutes.
7:21: Clara finally wakes up. She's whimpering so I stop what I'm doing to get her.

Pelo loco!

7:30: We go upstairs to do a diaper change.

7:45: We head out for a short run. I brave pushing the stroller seven months pregnant. Clara loves it and sings/talks/eats applesauce the whole way.

8:30: We get home after talking to our neighbor Olive and her mom. For breakfast Clara requests a cheese sandwich then yogurt then uvas and milk. I do laundry while I wait for her to finish eating.

9:12: She's finally done eating so we wash her hands and face,brush our teeth, and play which includes helping me vacuum (aka using her popper like a vacuum, she even moves things and pops under them!).

9:30: I smell a poopy diaper so we head upstairs for a change.
9:42: Back downstairs to look for big girl beds on the iPad. Clara of course chooses the most expensive one! We go back upstairs to work on cleaning out what will be Baby Emmett's room. Clara thinks it's really funny that I take the bed apart. We read a million books.

10:35: We do another diaper change, put the laundry in the dryer, and wrap presents for Tio Robert and Tia Erika.

10:55: Clarita and I head outside so I can put together a storage bench I bought for her toys. She refuses to put shoes on or take socks off because of her owies on her feet (shoes hurt them and she likes socks so she can't see them). She wears her socks outside because I don't want to fight with her. A tantrum ensues because wants to go back inside to get the shopping cart she saw in the basement yesterday (I hid it from her birthday). She screams about the carrito in the sotano and how she wants to push Baby Emmett in it. She finally calms down and requests to eat white pasas (aka yogurt covered raisins). Clara helps me build the bench and calls it a piscina, bathroom, and silla. When we're finished she says, "Oh you made toy box mama? Good job!"

12:00: We put all of Clara's outside toys in the "toy box" and head inside. I make lunch while Clarita plays with "Baby's Patch" Dada's old Cabbage Patch kid (she calls him Baby's Patch presumably because he is bald and looks like a baby. She calls her Cabbage Patch Kid by her name, Zoey).

Apparently Baby's Patch likes the
backpack more than Clarita

12:25: Clara eats chicken nuggets (she saw them in the freezer and requested them), smoothie (which she did not want me to make because it was "noisy" but then loved), and apple sauce.

12:45: Right as we finish eating Dada gets home. Clarita plays with Dada while I clean up. We are both very excited about the doughnuts he brought home for us and Clara requests that we sit on the piso to eat them.


1:30: Dada leaves and Clarita and I take a shower. I think she's pretty excited that she got to stay in her pjs for so's definitely a record! Clara makes me "humus" which she says is red and made from tomatoes. 

1:56: After our shower we head upstairs to put on a diaper, brush hair, and read.
2:12: Clara has been refusing to sleep by herself for the past week so I agree to sit in her chair while she falls asleep. She insists on sleeping by my feet like a little doggy and is out immediately. I stay and write blogs in the chair just in case she wakes up screaming.

3:05: Clara wakes up crying and looking for chuponcito. I lay her on her mattress on the floor and she falls right back to sleep so I head downstairs to get some stuff done.

3:50: She's awake crying again so I go up and lay her back down and she goes right back to sleep.
4:20: Clarita is crying again (what happened to my good sleeper) so I lay her back down. Dada gets home and sits with her while she sleeps some more.
4:45: She's up for good and gets dressed. 

5:00: We go downstairs and Clarita plays while Dada gets her diapers off the line and we take fat pictures. Clarita likes to "play" with baby Emmett which involves pretending to take him out of my stomach and doing things like pushing him in her doll stroller, rocking him, and putting him to sleep ("shh Baby Emmett sleeping, no talk").

5:20: We do another diaper change.
5:35: Los tios pick us up to go to Tio Robert and Tia Erika's to celebrate Tio Robert's birthday.

6:00: We get to tio Robert and Tia Erika's and Clara immediately finds things to play with like candy ("I no eat it, I just play with candy.").


6:45: Dinner time and Clara chooses vegetarian pizza and sandia. She requests that the olives not be taken off her pizza (usually she insists that they be taken off), but ends up taking them off herself. She "paints" the tablecloth with water from her cup until she dumps it everywhere and has to stop.

7:10: Clarita gets cleaned up and plays with Dada and Tia Erika. When she sees the toys she assumes that the kids who were there for Mother's Day left them and exclaims, "Oh ninos forgot toys!" She is more than happy with this situation.

8:00: Time for dessert! Clara chooses to eat ice cream and has a tantrum about where she should eat it. She wants the floor without bib. She finally agrees to follow our rules and eats away.

Best friends


8:15: I  change her diaper and put on her pjs.
8:26: We head home and Clara says that she wants to sleep in the carseat like Bailey. She does not, but Bailey falls asleep immediately. 

Pretending to sleep

8:45: We get home and brush teeth. Clarita runs around with the toothbrush in her mouth and falls on it which causes crying. We read books and it is bedtime.

Learning about being a big sister!

9:15: Clara lays on her mattress on the floor and insists that Dada sleep on the piso next to her. She's out quickly and I finally wake Dada up at 9:45 as he has also fallen asleep.

What a nice Dada

1:30: She's awake screaming "Dada, Dada, Dada" and Dada spends the rest of the night sleeping on her floor. This has gotten to be a pattern over the past week and we will be glad when she out grows these bad dreams and fears which prevent her from sleeping on her own.

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