Monday, May 16, 2016

Mama's Day

We had a great Mother's Day which began with Clara giving me the presents that she had picked out for me herself (and told me about a few days prior) and refusing to say "Happy Mother's Day" to me, but having a block say it to me instead (she's a strange one). Emmett took a short nap and I woke him up and we headed to church and then to Los Tios where Tio and Tia prepared a delicious lunch of seared ahi! We made pizookies for lunch and Clarita had to help prepare them. Everything was delicious and perfect! The Little Guy was super tired so I attempted putting him on a blanket on the floor of los Tios room to nap. He screamed, but eventually fell asleep. Alas both he and Bayleaf slept less than an hour. I think they didn't want to miss out on the fun! Unfortunately Tio Robert and Tia Erika were out of town celebrating their anniversary, but we had fun with Aba and Grandma Donna. We were so busy having fun that I forgot to take a single picture until right before we left (and the grandmas were already gone)!

Tia, Emmett, and Ava Sally Suemoto

They keep multiplying!

Our next stop was Tia Alyssa and Tio Rene's. Emmett fell asleep right before we got there and of course woke up as soon as we took him out of the car. Clarita did not sleep at all and declared that she was not tired. She immediately began playing with Teegee and Tristan while I tried to get Emmett back to sleep in the carrier. He refused but was super happy so we went with it. We had a delicious dinner complete with rum cake and homemade ice cream for dessert! The kids had so much fun playing together and Tristan sweetly entertained the girls and built things out of blocks when Clara requested him to. Clarita was also obsessed with wearing Teegee's shoes and kept going inside and putting hew pairs on. Emmett was content to snuggle and then play with Teegee's kitchen. The adults took turns shooting targets (I actually hit them!) and relaxing. The kids were exhausted and both fell asleep on the drive home. Neither woke up when we took them out of the car either! It was a great day and I am thankful for my sweet little ones that made me a mom as well as all of the other amazing moms in my life who help out with the kids and keep me sane! We are truly blessed!

Best friends!

Teegee caught a Clarita!

What a good big brother/cousin!

Note little Emmett playing in the background

Teaching the girls how to sling shot

Abuela Sheri and her babies

My sweet babies

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