Los Tios had a wedding to go to so Bayleaf came over to our house to play. They were going to get back late so we decided to just have Bailey sleep at our house. Clarita thought that this was an excellent idea and spent all afternoon asking, "Bailey do you want to spend the night?" Bailey would say, "Yeah" and Clara would exclaim, "Oh you do, we're going to have so much fun!" Dada was off on his third 100 mile bike ride in three weeks (he's obviously crazy) but the kids and I had fun. I felt like I accomplished almost as much as him by cleaning the dishwasher (it was seriously the most disgusting thing I have ever seen and I am pretty sure it was not cleaning the dishes), shaving my legs (if you have kids you know how much of an accomplishment this is), and getting them all to sleep two hours at the same time!
What a big girl! |
"Look at me Bailey, I'm cleaning!" |
Watching Baby Signing time |
Dada made dinner which included potatoes that every single person loved (nothing short of a miracle) and the kids and I went for a walk while he worked in the garden. Our walk ended up taking us to the park and little Bailey got so excited when she saw the big toy. She started pointing and saying, "that, that, that!" The girls had fun swinging and sliding, but Emmett had to stay in the carrier since my hands were full. He loves to be outside so he didn't mind too much! I was impressed with Bayleaf because she walked all the way there and back! Clarita insisted on holding one of Bailey's hands while I held the other and was very sweet helping her.
Feeding mint to Bailey |
Bedtime was a circus (it always is so add one more and it got real loco) and poor Bayleaf was so tired that she started saying and signing sleep. I asked her if she wanted to go to sleep and she said, "yeah." Clara wanted them to sleep in the same room and against my better judgment, I agreed. By the time they were all in pajamas, teeth brushed, and read to it was 9:00, way past Bailey's bedtime. I was worried that the girls would wake each other up during the night but they managed to make it until 6:00 when we were woken up by Clarita yelling, "Dada, Dada, Bailey wants out!" Bailey was standing in the Pack 'N Play looking at Clara.
Nail salon time |
Clara asked Bailey if she wanted milk... |
...and she said, "Yeah." |
So sleepy |
Dada made blueberry pancakes (Clara insisted on chocolate chip and then ended up eating a few bites of those and choosing the blueberry ones) and once again we all loved them! Emmett was ready for a nap by 8:00 and the girls played and we got ready. Clara cried when I told her that Bailey had to go home after church. I had to wake Emmett up at 9:30 to go to church and I think we were all tired. Bailey did not make a sound on the drive to church and I thought she had fallen asleep (she hadn't). She was very excited to see her mama! We went to lunch after church and both girls had meltdowns. I think they were exhausted which means that the slumber party was a success right? I see many more slumber parties in our future!
Zombie Dada |
So sad that Bailey has to leave |
Snack time |
Ready for church |
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