Saturday, May 7, 2016

Nine Months

Emmett has officially been in the world as long as he was in my belly! Although he continues to be a super happy and easy going baby, he has developed a little bit of a stubborn streak as well. He has definite likes and dislikes and lets it be known when he is not happy. Usually it involves me sitting him down when he wants to stand up (so pretty much always), not shoveling shovel food on his plate quickly enough, or if something is taken away from him that he wants (like my hair). His angry screams are so cute that it's hard not to laugh!

Dada snuggles

The day Dada watched three kids ALL day!

This month has really made a difference in the eating department. The Little Guy absolutely loves food now and went from hardly eating to eating three meals almost overnight! He wants nothing to do with baby food and wants to feed himself. I pretty much give him food off my plate and have given him numerous things I would never have dreamed of feeding Clara at this age (like chia granola bar). His favorites are cheese, strawberries, and banana (and any type of cardboard puff "food") and he happily shovels them into his mouth. He is actually pretty good about feeding himself. He also loves water and is getting pretty good at drinking from a sippy cup. Emmett likes to grab Bayleaf's Cheerios and pour them on the floor (he figured out how to easily get them out of the lid). Bailey laughs away while Emmett eats all of her Cheerios and sometimes even gets some out for him! Clara has obviously seen me throw food on the floor for Bailey and Emmett (and probably remembers when I did it for her) so she will throw Cheerios on the floor for Emmett to eat in the mornings while I am getting ready! He doesn't complain!

Is there any food in here?

Eating Cheerios Clara put on the floor for him

Buggle is on the move! He still doesn't craw "normally" but scoots, rolls, and army crawls all over the place. He quickly scoots after toys he wants and one day I set my oatmeal on the floor and turned around to help Bailey only to turn back to find Emmett had scooted over to my bowl and was putting handfuls of oatmeal into his mouth! He's super fast and determined to get what he wants. He started trying to climb out of his little bathtub so we had to retire it and he now takes regular baths with Clarita. He absolutely loves them and splashes and claps away!

Picnic (apparently Clara doesn't need clothes at picnics)

Tia is so much fun!

He's the best little sleeper now and takes great naps and sleeps 10 plus hours at night. Emmett loves his mama and if he is tired or hungry he only wants me to hold him. If I set him down or hand him to someone else he immediately bursts into tears and only calms down when I pick him up again. Clara definitely was not as attached to me. Once the Little Guy is fed and rested, he is generally content to play on the floor or be held by anyone, but he always gets super happy when he sees me!

Meeting Uncle Pete - do they look alike?

Gymboree is so fun!

Screeching is Emee's new favorite past time and he does it all day long at the top of his lungs. He screeches when he sees the cats, he screeches when he gets excited, he screeches when he gets angry. Clara thinks it's fun to mimic him and I often can't tell who is screeching in the backseat. She explained to me that they are talking (but she said she doesn't understand what he is saying). He also thinks it's really funny when I say no and he generally laughs (an evil sounding laugh) and gives me a look that says, "ha make me" before he resumes doing whatever he was previously doing. We're going to have to work on that!

You haven't lived until you've been kissed by Connor!

These two are going to be trouble makers together!

Emmett continues to be such a sweet, snuggly guy who makes all of my days more fun. His smiles light up the room and it's impossible to be in a bad mood when he smiles at you!

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

37 Weeks

Clara refused to take a picture so Bailey stood in!

38 Weeks

39 Weeks

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 19 pounds 11 ounces
Height: 28 inches 
Head Circumference: 17.75 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He's still wearing some 9 month pants, but most of his clothes are 6-12 or 12 months with a few 12-18 months thrown in. Pajamas are 12 months.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Daddy (especially Mama), nursing, being carried in the carrier, bath time, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, sitting up, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, the exersaucer, the jumperoo, and jumping in general, standing up, eating, screeching, the cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, being overtired, getting his arms put in clothes, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him, being laid/sat down when he wants to sit or stand.

Emmett has tried, banana, pea, sweet potato, avocado, beet, cheese, carrot, plum, peach, puffs, yogurt puffs, Mum Mums, and Cheerios, oatmeal, applesauce, chia, bread, biscuit, cornbread, beans, blueberry, raspberry, peanut butter, tofu, egg, pear, chia bar. 

How Emmett Sleeps
Our amazing sleeper continues! He goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and sleeps until around 6:30. When he wakes up in the morning he is content to play and sing in his crib until I come up to feed him. Emmett generally takes two naps one around 9:00 and one between 12:00 to 2:00. The vary between one to two hours. The Little Guy continues to be super flexible and sleep on the go. If his naps get disrupted he is generally content. He sleeps in his crib with a sleep sack and a million animals that he likes to play with when he wakes up. He generally sleeps on his stomach.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Chunko, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Brudder

Monthly Exciting Events
April 1, 2016: First time playing at the beach (and eating sand)
April 10, 2016: Starts army crawling
April 13, 2016: Starts clapping
April 19, 2016: First haircut
April 20, 2016: Is able to push himself up from laying to sitting
April 25, 2016: Stops using the baby bathtub

Monthly Pictures

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