Saturday, August 12, 2017

Emmett's Second Birthday

On Emmett's actual birthday we decided to do something special to celebrate and went to Imagine U, a local children's museum. Aba, Los Tios, and Bailey came too and the kids had a blast! We last went about a year ago and Bailey and Emmett have changed so much in that year and were able to do a lot more things. All the kids loved it and they all focused on different things and rarely played together. Clarita was super into the "fruit" area pretending she was a farmer and sorting the "fruit." Emmett loved the train, blocks, and water. Bailey did a little bit of everything. A few of the areas were not working so that was a little disappointing, but we managed to do a lot and were tired and hungry by noon!

We went to The Habit for lunch and the kids scarfed down their food and had fun playing around. Surprisingly Clara and Emmett managed to stay awake during the ride home and both took long naps (three and five hours) to replenish. 

We had pizza for dinner and then went to Baby Cakes for dessert. Emmett chose a cupcake, but as usual, just wanted to hold it. He finally ate the cherry off the top and then insisted that we all feed him our ice cream. Clara eventually gave him hers and he was in heaven! I think he had a good day! I still can't believe Emmett is two!

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