Tuesday, August 29, 2017

24 Months

I’m having a hard time believing Emmett is two. As Clara said, ‘it’s so sad that we don’t have a baby in our house anymore.” And we definitely don’t have a baby! We have a full fledged little boy who wants to do and say everything that Clara and Bailey do and say. He gets so upset when he can’t do something and immediately starts crying and folds in half on the floor. I always say he would be the easiest only child because he is so good natured and easy going when he is not trying to copy Clara. He is generally pretty good at sharing although he does hit and yell, “Bad Wehwah, bad Bailey!” when he gets mad. We are working on stopping that behavior but it doesn’t help that Clara eggs him on and laughs at him when he does things that he shouldn’t. He still loves to snuggle, give hugs and kisses, and is the biggest flirt! He bats his blue eyes and smiles shyly and gets all the attention from the ladies!

Emmett has become quite the little swimmer. He uses a floaty but loves to go underwater, blow bubbles, and put his head in the water and swim around. There have been several times where he jumped in the pool and had to get saved (once I literally had to jump in with my clothes on) and he wasn’t scared, just excited that he went underwater. I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I think he will be better than Clara soon!

Buggle has started talking up a storm! Of course, we still have a hard time understanding him but he says complete sentences now like “No, Mama eat dat. Emmett already do dat.” He also copies everything Clara and Bailey says and now refers to himself as a guacamaya (parrot) because that’s what we called him. It’s so fun watching his speech develop even if it is a little frustrating for all of us when we can’t understand him. He knows pretty much all of his colors, knows hit name starts with E (if you ask him how to spell it he says, “ETT”), and can count to 10 in Spanish. Since this is my last monthly blog I am hoping he starts talking more so I can write a Lo Que Dice Emmett blog like I do with Clara.

He has so much fun playing with the Engstrom girls from
three doors down!

20th Avenue biker gang!

At the beginning of July I decided I was done with cloth diapers and started potty training. Emmett has done really well with only a few accidents on the floor. At home he goes pants less and pretty much always tells us when he needs to go potty or just goes by himself. He still isn’t great with poop and often wakes up from his nap and poops in his diaper or poops in his pull up if he has one on. I keep forgetting that he is still pretty young for potty training and has really done great for such a little guy. I’m hoping he will continue on this path and will graduate to undies soon!

Emee still loves bikes, balls, and all things water related. If I need to get something done outside I set him and Clara up with the water table and hose and that can occupy them for at least an hour! He also loves dinosaurs, cars, and reading. Aba takes the kids to the library each week and Emmett picks out his own books (he is apparently very stubborn about this and will not be swayed in his choices) and reads them over and over throughout the week. He loves singing and constantly sings the ABCs (his version anyway), Shake It Off, All the Single Ladies, and songs from Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, and music class. He likes to play the piano and drums too!

Cooking lessons from Clara!

Emmett really is the sweetest little guy and we all love him so much. Clara is constantly talking about how much she loves her “baby brother” and he and Bailey have so much fun together terrorizing the world (those two are seriously going to cause some trouble in preschool next year). I can’t imagine life without him and find it so funny that I once thought it would be so weird to have a boy. Now I think it would be weird not to!

Helping to make his birthday party invitations

Wearing his "mown"

The silliest little guy

Doing yoga with Mama

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 26.5 pounds 
Height:  35 inches 
Head Circumference: 19.75 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He's in all 2T and his shoes are either 5 or 6 depending on the brand.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, people in general, spitting, splurping, fruit, animals-especially his cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, jumping, dancing, socks, shoes, bikes, scooters, helmets, blowing bubbles with straws, stuffed animals especially Bearbears and Nene, his water bottle, clips, Shopkins, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to do anything, having things taken away from him, being told no, not being able to do what Clara does.

Emmett loves fruit and pizza. Everything else is hit or miss. He is generally pretty rational and if told he needs to eat something in order to get dessert he will do so. He is so stubborn when it comes to eating and what he eats really just depends on the day. He generally loves cereal and eats several bowlfuls for breakfast so at least he starts the day right!

This month the talking has increased and he is starting to sound like a chatterbox like Clara! Emmett loves to sing (he hasn't quite gotten entire songs down yet), count, and tell you what color everything is. He's still difficult to understand but is getting better.

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps until around 6:30 or 7:00. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 3 to 4 hours. He sleeps with his sleep sack, water, and a million animals. His favorites are Conejo (Nene) followed closely by Baby Nene, Baby Munee (Monkey), and his Bearbears. He generally sleeps on his stomach. He has started taking his sleep sack off immediately when he wakes up and sometimes before he even goes to sleep.

He still only has nine teeth, both bottom front, his top left (top right got knocked out), his top incisors, all four molars. I'm starting to think he is never going to grow more!

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Bubba, Baby Brother

Monthly Exciting Events
July 5, 2017: Starts potty training
July 15, 2017: First time using an outhouse, starts walking backwards
July 17, 2017: Last cloth diaper

Monthly Pictures

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