Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Lo Que Dice Clarita Primavera 2017

Clarita continues to be quite the character. She is constantly saying things that make me laugh, cringe, or just downright surprise me. She speaks very clearly and is able to pronounce everything well. She doesn't sound at all like a toddler anymore and it makes me a little sad. She amazes me with her vocabulary and her ability to say things correctly like perfectly instead of perfect. I like correct grammar and although she still makes some mistakes on irregular past tense verbs (sitted instead of sat) she overall speaks so well! Now onto the funny things she says!

"Dada, remember when you were little and went and danced with the trolls naked?" (We had no idea where this came from until we saw Frozen and the scene with Kristoff and the trolls. She calls Dada Kristoff so it all made sense!)

Clara: "You need to roll your pants up. They don't look real cute." She rolls my pants up "Now you look real cute!"

Waves wand at Dada, "What wish do you want? Beer? Ok!"

"That was a sweet time with Aba! She's very nicer than you." (Talking about watching Frozen)

I said my side hurt and Dada asked me if it was my appendix to which Clara replied, "Can I eat appendix in my pez?"

Holding baby snail "Oh baby snail you're so cute and tiny. I don't think it will eat my plants because I'm holding it. Oh don't touch me you're so cute. I want to smash it like it's parents." Smashes it on top of the other two snails she already stepped on.(Obviously not very sentimental)

As she wiggles her belly all over, "Baby Suemoto is moving all over! She's trying to get out!"

"Baby Suemoto can't come out yet because I didn't get married." Me: "You better not have a baby in your stomach if you're not married!" Clara: "I'm getting married tomorrow." Dada: "To who?" Clara: "To my brother but just pretend because you can't marry your brother!"

"My throat is purring!"

"I made you guacamole in my mouth!" (She smashed up avocados)

While driving by some cows, Clara: "What are hotdogs made of?" Me: "Cows." Clara: "Dead cows?" Me: "Yes." Clara: "Did they get dead on their own?" Me: "No somebody killed them." Clara: "That's not very nice." Me "Nope." Clara: "But it's nice to give us food." (We have this conversation a lot and I still haven't made her into a vegetarian.)

"Don't yell Bailey, we live in a quiet neighborhood!"

"I can't find New Kitty. Maybe she got tired of listening to me cry."

"Mama was alive in the olden days."

"Aba is much better than Mama and Dada." Me: "Why?" Clara: "Because she loves me more."

Me (after watching Nightmare Before Christmas): "Where would you rather live in Christmas land or Halloween land?" Clara: "I think I'd rather live in Kingsburg!"

Clara: "You have a fat stomach Mama!" Me: "Thanks Clara. It's not nice to tell people they have fat stomachs." Clara: "But you do!"

Clara: "Do you want me to dump marble things on your butt?" Dada:-"No, why would I want marble things on my butt?"  Clara: "Then stop getting your hair wet." (What?!)

"Why would anyone want to live in the montaƱas? You can't walk anywhere. I think it's better to live in Kingsburg!"

"Mama why do you have that pezone (nipple) thing on when you don't have milk anymore?" (Referring to a bra)

"What is that beeping that molestes (bothers) me? Does it molest you?" (Turning Spanish words into English can be so funny!)

1 comment:

  1. She is fantastic! You must be laughing all the time! I always though I should write a book of KCisms, but you should write one of Claraisms!
