Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fourth of July Celebrations 2017

We had everyone over for swimming, pizza, and to watch the high school fireworks on July third as is our tradition. At one point I looked around at all the little kids and thought about how lucky we are to be surrounded by so many awesome friends who all have kids around the same age! The kids all get along great together (half of them are related to at least a couple others) and have such a great time! It's so fun to watch them! It was very laid back and almost all the kids enjoyed the fireworks. Emmett was enthralled and declared who each firework belonged to. Pink were for Clara, sparkly ones with trails for Bailey, green for Emmett, and I think gold/purple for Dada (I didn't get any). It was hilarious to watch and listen to him! The girls enjoyed the fireworks too and were sad when it was over.

After fireworks snack!

We headed to los Tios on the Fourth of July and swam, slip 'n slid, BBQ'd and Tio and Drew set off fireworks. The kids got to do sparklers and were beyond excited. Emmett refused to let his go and almost burned himself and us numerous times. Lyla was hilarious holding her ears the entire time, and Tio made a perfect smoke ring with a Piccolo Pete he hammered (although he could not repeat it). We had a great time and went home exhausted from two days of celebration! Yay 'merica!

Signing hot in case we weren't sure

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