Saturday, May 12, 2018

Easter 2018

We dyed eggs on Good Friday and Easter Sunday began with the kids opening their baskets from the Easter Bunny. They were perhaps the most excited about their pajamas and toothbrushes (although Emmett was pretty into his pretzel goldfish). I went for a run while the kids and Dada went to Tom's for donuts. Then we headed to church.

It's sad when you dye all your eggs

Tia put together an Easter egg hunt and Sunday school lesson complete with craft. The big kids (who I swear were just Clara sized) hid the eggs and we all had a great time! I love Easter Sunday because the church is filled with spring flowers and looks absolutely beautiful! Clara was pretty into the Easter story this year and told me daily about Jesus's resurrection. I'm glad she loves it so much!

Eating all Elise's candy

After church we headed to los Tios where the kids got even more Easter baskets (apparently Easter is the new Christmas) and another Easter egg hunt. All of the eggs were filled with money or little toys and the kids had a blast finding them! Emmett shook each egg when he found it and if it didn't make a noise he put it back. Even Elise got to find some eggs.

We took some pictures after the hunt and then had a delicious lasagna lunch. We relaxed and hung out after lunch while Emmett and Elise took naps. The girls colored and sang songs and it was literally the perfect day. Beautiful weather, super laid back, and lots of family time!

Putting worms in the "dirt"


I had to wake Emmett up after a couple hours to head to Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci's farm. We had more delicious food, great company, and of course, another Easter egg hunt! The kids had a blast playing with all their cousins and second cousins and we enjoyed catching up with family we don't see that often. It was a lovely day!

Dirty and sweaty = signs of fun!

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