Sunday, May 27, 2018

Lo Que Dice Emmett Invierno 2018

After Bailey complained that she didn’t like the dancing Christmas lights and Dada told her we would leave her at home next time Emmett said, “I not want leave Bailey at home!” He was really upset when Clara insisted we would.

Leans into me and tells, “Gimme a beso! Not two besos sólo uno.”

“Everyone get out my room!”

“Neigh neigh not have a pene. Only I have a pene!” (After making neigh neigh go pee pee.)

“It not a baby monitor, it a niñito monitor!”

Clara reported that Abuela Sheri called Teegee Teagan Marie and Emmett then referred to her as “Teagan Monkey.”

“I not a drum!” (When I was patting his back.)

“Gatita was licking me and bit me and eat me.”

“Baby neigh neigh can’t play with legos pequeños. Only big neigh neigh.” (Aba has been warning them to keep small things out of Elise's reach.)

“I eat my applesauce and I drink my applesauce. That silly!”

Excited about Dada's reusable spork

“I going to my birthday with mama and Elise!” (After Clara said she was going to invite Bailey to do something special for her birthday and Emmett couldn't come.)

Emmett: (About finding out that Tia Erika was having a girl) “And a boy!” Me: “No it’s a girl.” Emmett: “But I get a niño cupcake!”

“Where your other hair go? I not want mama have that hair.” (After I got my hair done and it was straight.)

“Qué niños locos!” (Whenever he hears kids screaming.)

Emmett: “I have a peanut!” Me: “Where!” Emmett: “Hiding in my pantalones!” (Grabs his crotch.)

“Dada I wanna see your balls. They’re little and mine big!” (Talking about their snow hats.)

“Wehwah say she have a girl penis but her not have a penis. Only niños have penis!”

“The Luna fell out!” (Because it was day and he couldn’t see the moon.)

“I only have two hands to hold tings.”

“I poopoo Jon Parkinson!”

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