Sunday, May 27, 2018

Lo Que Dice Clarita Invierno 2018

Clarita continues to be a chatterbox, but now she can also be quiet when she's concentrating. She can easily spend an hour by herself doing an art project or playing with her barbies and she's pretty quiet. Her preschool teachers say she's quiet at school which I still have a hard time believing! She pronounces pretty much everything correctly and has excellent grammar. I seriously think she speaks better than a lot of adults! Her Spanish is improving and I often hear her speaking to Emmett in full sentences. Clara still calls us Shannon and Kevin, but I think she has actually been referring to us as Mama and Dada more often! 

Lately she’s been saying some variation of “It’s hard to be a mom and Dad. Before you had kids you didn’t know how hard it was. But too late now, you already have them!”

“Teegee told me that Christmas is about presents and decorations but I told her that it’s really about Jesus and God!”

“You don’t need it, you want it Emmett. I know all about life.”

“Bella Rose!” (Her fairy) “She was about to say bad Shannon. I don’t know why, she never heard me say that because she’s always in her house.” Me: “Do you say that?” Clara: “Yeah.” Me: “Why?” Clara: “I don’t know.”

“She’s a bad fairy because she tried to steal Ken from Barbie and Barbie wanted to marry him!”

“Shannon, a fairy, I think, fixed the door because it’s not broken anymore! You know fairies are real in the world Mom.” (Really Dada did it. Almost the same)

While watching a Spanish learning video: “Shannon they said escalera for stairs but escalera is really ladder. They’re doing it all wrong!”

“Oh Caramelo! I wanna hold that little guy but he’s not alive anymore.”

“They’re not as good as I was hoping. They’re not as good as the panadería!” (About the cookies she made.)

Because it has a vagina and an estómagosand the other ones only have estómagos. (How she knew her finger puppet was a girl.)

“Why are you walking around in circles? To get your steps in? That’s always what Aba does!”

“Is today Valentine’s Day eve or what?” (About the day before Valentine's Day.)

Clara: "Oh my gosh!" Dada: "What?" Clara: "I was just thinking about cutting a watermelon with blood on it!" 

“Is it a train with greedy on it?” (She meant graffiti.)

“Maybe we can buy a different T like 3T.” (When I told her Emmett’s costume was too small for him.)

“Hey Siri, text Bailey.”

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