Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Dada, Tio, and Fafa did their annual diabetes fundraiser bike ride in San Diego at the end of April so we decided to make it a long weekend and hit up Legoland too! We left Thursday afternoon and I nearly killed Emmett when he refused to go potty in LA. I even resorted to trying to get him to pee on a plant! The kids had their first milkshakes and they proved to be a powerful incentive to eat dinner!

The kids were super excited about Legoland and woke up early (especially Emmett). After a quick breakfast (Clara was so excited about her oatmeal smorgasbord!), we met Grandma Donna, los Tios and Bailey at Legoland and the adventure began!

I had heard that Legoland was good for small kids, and it was excellent! Clara could go on all the rides, Bailey could go on most of them, and Emmett could also go on quite a few. There was plenty for Emmett to do while Clara and Bailey were going on the bigger rides and all the kids had an absolute blast! Clara went on a legitimate roller coaster and although she liked it, I think she was definitely scared. At one point she told me that she felt sick and needed to get off. When I told her we couldn't get off she suggested that I find a worker and have them get her off! There was a smaller roller coaster that she and Bailey rode a million times and Clara even lifted her hands up during the entire ride!

We went on a pirate ship and the kids all loved it! We also went on a water roller coaster which involved all of us getting completely soaked! Luckily Tia was smart and we took shoes off first. Clarita absolutely hated getting wet purely because she did not have her swimsuit on. She ended the ride sobbing. Bailey and Emmett didn't seem to mind!

Making new friends

The kids had a ton of fun on the rides, but the Lego structures were super impressive to the adults! It is seriously amazing what they were able to build with Legos and how many Legos were involved! After Tios left the kids got to play in the splash pad (one of their favorite activities even though it was chilly) and we went on a few more rides. After one roller coaster, Emmett said, "I almost fall off!" It was a long day, but so much fun!

Poor Elise didn't get to have any fin!

We headed to the Crutchfields' after Legoland and Emmett immediately fell asleep. Clara was full of energy and ready to play with the girls! Nicolette and Jeremy made a delicious dinner and we had a great time catching up while the kids played. Clara and Bennett are about nine months apart and got along so well! Emmett and Perrin are about six months apart and also had fun. It was our first time meeting Evan and she was sweet as can be! We had a great night!

Saturday morning Fafa and Dada headed out early for their bike ride and Emmett also woke up bright and early. I took him to the store to get food for breakfast and lunch while Abuela Sheri stayed with sleeping Clara. We then headed to the beach to meet the Crutchfields. The kids had such a fun time playing in the sand, the waves, and just hanging out. Clarita and Bennett were adorable holding hands and running through the waves! Clara found a ladybug that stayed on her for a long time while we ate and she was convinced that she was going to take it home. She reluctantly agreed to set it free. We had so much fun with the Crutchfields! It's too bad we don't live closer because the girls would probably be great friends!

The guys finished their 63 mile ride in one piece and made it home during nap time. They raised $6,115 for diabetes research and we are so proud of them! Mikaela and Dylan stopped by to hang out while Emmett was napping. Clara got to stay up and hang out with us and play with a very tired Dylan (unfortunately I did not take pictures). After nap we headed to downtown Leucadia to eat dinner. Clara fell asleep on the 10 minute drive and actually stayed asleep while Fafa carried her to the restaurant! We also hit up an amazing ice cream place with a line out the door! It was a great night!

Sunday Emmett again woke up super early and derailed Dada and my plans to go on a run together. Instead I took Emmett on a run while Dada ran hills (there was no way I was pushing that stroller up giant hills!). Emmett enjoyed the run along the ocean and kept exclaiming about all the things he saw. I got a good workout pushing the stroller into wind and up inclines! We went to breakfast with Tio Josue and Rachael. The next time we see them they will be parents and it was fun to watch them with the kids! Tio Josue gave Emmett airplane rides and he was in heaven! After that we headed out for our long trip home. It was a great weekend and we were so happy to have been able to see so many friends that we don't get to see nearly enough!

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