Sunday, July 15, 2018

2018 Summer Recitals

We started out recital season with a music class recital for Clara, Emmett, Bailey, and Teagan. This was Clara's and Teagan's first time playing the piano in a recital which also meant introducing themselves. I had Clara practice this, but Teagan didn't realize she had to do it. During the last music class Teagan burst into tears when asked to introduce herself for the class so we weren't sure how it would go. They both did great! Clara was the first kid to play and introduced herself with such confidence and played great! I was so proud! She and Teagan sang songs from the Sound of Music with the older kids and did great!

Emmett is still in Toddler Tunes and really doesn't seem to have much interest in his songs, but he loves to sing Clara's songs! He belts out both the Sound of Music songs she had to sing. He didn't sing much during the recital, but looked super cute!

Eating his lunch

Bailey and Clara had to separate this year as Clara needed something more advanced. It was probably better for both of them as they pay attention better when they are not together. Bailey also got to play the piano with the other kids in her class during the recital. It was just her, Lyla, and Kieran and they were hilarious!

Sadly Miss Hannah will be moving to Texas and no longer teaching music. She has been their only teacher since Clara was two and since Emmett was born. Clara was devastated and cried the entire way home the day she found out. She has declared that she is no longer taking music classes, but she loves music so much I bet she can be persuaded. Miss Hannah has been so great with the kids and taught them so much. We are definitely going to miss her, but wish her luck in her new adventure in Texas.

Ms. Hannah is the best!

Sophie remembered all the songs from when she was little!

Stacked after the recital!
The following week was Clara's dance recital. I never wanted Clara to do dance but she was dead set on it. She absolutely loves her dance classes and always wants to be the first person in the room and listens to her teachers. She was so excited when her dance costume came and even sat absolutely still while I curled her hair for the pictures. Clara heard her teacher telling the parents what make-up the kids should wear (one of the reasons I hate four and five years olds need make-up) and could not wait for me to put it on her. I was really hoping that dance would be short lived but I fear that it will not. Watching the pure joy on Clara's face and seeing her excitement over all that she learns makes it worth it but I'm also excited to have Monday nights back again. Right now I pick up the kids in Reedley, get my allergy shot, head to dance, and we don't get home until 7:00. I definitely won't miss that!

Picture Day

Clara's class danced to "Itty Bitty One" and as chaotic as it was, they were super cute! Clara actually did really well and didn't seem nervous at all. It seemed like a lot of time, work, and expense for a three minute dance, but Clara absolutely loved it and the fact that she was on stage at the high school. She said that it was like being in a play and I think we will have many more recitals in our future! Unfortunately she refused to let us take a single picture of her before or after the recital. Luckily one of the other moms got some!

Trying to sneak some pictures before the recital

Such a classic Clara expression


Ahria and Audrina, her preschool friends

Since she didn't actually get to watch any of the recital she was in  we went to one of the other ones (there were six in all) and got to watch Brinley and Eli's class and the class that Cami, Lyla, and Jeffrey are in. It was absolutely hilarious watching the little ones and Clara loved the big girls. I think watching them made her even more in love with dance!

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