Sunday, July 15, 2018

Dada Day 2018

We headed to the cabin after Clara's dance recital to celebrate Father's Day. Sunday morning Dada and I went for an early run together (a rare thing for us to get to run together without pushing a stroller)! He kicked my butt but it was the perfect temperature! After breakfast we headed out for our annual hike to Weaver Lake. This year Emmett joined Clara in walking the whole way! He is still pretty small and it was a bit of a struggle at times but he made it up and back (a little over four miles)! By the end he was whining a lot but I managed to distract him by pretending to see different colored bunnies that he collected in his pockets. It was the first time in six years that I have hiked without a baby in my belly or on my back so it was pretty great!

We hung out at the lake and ate lunch. It was beautiful weather for June and we enjoyed the cool spell! We even managed to get some pictures at the lake!

As a reward for their good hiking the kids got to pick out ice cream at the store  when we got back to the cabin. They loved it of course! Los Abuelos made a delicious dinner and we enjoyed spending time with them before heading home. We are so lucky to have such a great Dada and Fafa and were happy to spend time with them doing what they love!

Clara opened a hair salon at the cabin!

Dada rides are the best!

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