Saturday, July 14, 2018

May Fun

We had a fun filled May! We started out the month with me falling while running and slicing my hands up so badly I couldn't really do anything. Dada happened to go out of town a couple days later for a half Ironman which meant that the kids and I spent Saturday morning going to every park within walking distance to keep us all sane! Later that night I went on a bus to Visalia to celebrate friends' birthdays while the kids played with Aba!

So gross!

We love Dala horses!

Obsessed with picking up trash...

Just so my kids believe I was once fun!

Clara had her Mother's and Father's Day event at preschool where her class performed songs and then gave us a special present. Dada had an all day training but Emmett and I went and it was so cute! Emmett kept yelling, "Hi Clara!" and she would wave and tell him to be quiet, it was pretty funny!

We had lots of fun playing with cousins and celebrated Grandma Donna's birthday at family dinner!

Clara and Emmett continued to be crazy and even pretended they were giraffes eating kale that grows wild in the garden! They constantly have to check on Dada's giant sunflowers to see how big they have grown. We also managed to eat lots of ice cream!

We usually go to Tio Robert and Tia Erika's for Mother's Day, but since they sold their house and spend their days at the hospital with Eleanora we obviously had to change plans. Instead we had our families come over the day before for swimming and food that Dada and Tio organized. The kids had a ton of fun in the freezing pool and we all enjoyed the delicious food! On actual Mother's Day we had a laid back day at home!

The kids got haircuts at Bri's new salon. It was their first time getting their hair washed and they both loved it! They were super excited to sit in the car as well! As always, Bri did a fabulous job and Emmett was so excited to get his "spikies" back!

I continued to visit Eleanora weekly at the hospital and watch her progress. She's a feisty little one and I can't wait until she gets to come home! Clara and Emmett enjoyed looking at my pictures and videos of her and can't wait to meet her!

We enjoyed another Swedish Festival. This year was Clara's first time running and she did excellent! She ran the entire two miles in just under 23 minutes talking away the whole time. Emmett walked the entire two miles with Aba without saying one word and Bailey ran/walked most of the way with Tia. Dada ran the 10K under a 7:00 min/mile pace, so fast we almost missed him finish! A bunch of other friends ran but the real winner was Bri who pushed a double stroller with giant kids and still finished second out of females in the 10K! We enjoyed Swedish pancakes and the parade and all the food booths after the race!

Olive and Clara

Finishing strong!

Emmett and Aba

First place in her age group!

Parade + shaved ice!

When Dada puts your shoes on...

Clara's preschool had the end of the year open house and ice cream social. She proudly showed off her artwork and showed Emmett around his future preschool! She finished the year off with a bang with Crazy dress up day. Clarita picked out her own outfit, but everything on backwards, and chose crazy colors for her hair! Emmett also had to color his hair! I can't believe Clara finished preschool and Emmett with start in the fall...where has time gone?

Last VIP day ever...

She wanted a picture with her cubby

Showing Emmett the playground

Dada had to get in on the fun too!

Dessert and cucumber = balanced meal
Colored hair = dirty bath

Lyla turned four and we had a great time celebrating her. The weather was unseasonably cold so the water slide bounce house turned into an obstacle course bounce house and the kids (and Dada) spent tons of time bouncing away!

It's amazing how fast kids flock to dessert!

At the end of the month we celebrated Tio Robert's birthday.  They took a short break from the hospital and we enjoyed a delicious meal!

It's better if you eat it with your hands!
We finished the month off with a Memorial Day BBQ at Liz and Julio's and a trip with Dada to Reedley Beach. Liz works with Dada as do many of our friends so as an extra bonus the kids got to play with Jeffrey, Emma, Reedcito, and Kieran!

Emee squared

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