Sunday, July 12, 2020

February Fun 2020

Since I'm so far behind writing blogs, it's interesting to look back at our last normal month. Of course we had no idea what March would bring, but we definitely made the most of February! We started the month out with an alumni vs junior high water polo game in honor of Coach Gross who had recently been diagnosed with cancer. He coached Dada and Tio in water polo and swimming and me in soccer in high school. He's such a great man and an awesome athlete. Unfortunately, he couldn't be there due to his compromised immune system, but his wife gave a lovely speech. The kids had fun playing and cheering and Dada did a great job playing goalie for the junior high kids. The highlight of the game was Emily slamming the ball into Dada's face as he tried to block it!

Dada threw out his back as he was tying his shoes to in preparation to go skiing on Superbowl Sunday. He spent the day on the couch in pain, but the kids and I went to the Toms' annual Superbowl party. We had fun eating, playing Superbowl games, and enjoying great company. My favorite part was the little boys' expressions as they intently watched Shakira dance!

Emmett started music class. Of course he's the only boy because he's always surrounded by girls! 

We watched all of the Star Wars movies and the Mandalorian and the kids (especially Clara) are now obsessed!

Emmett had to make a Valentine's mobile which we of course waited until the last minute to make. Luckily Clara was a great helper!

Serena turned four and we had a great time celebrating her at Uptown Sprouts! She's so feisty and always makes me laugh with her poses and sass!

Olive turned seven at the end of January and celebrated with a Power Wheels birthday party. Her dad has souped up their power wheels with super charged batteries, lights, and even music! This kids had fun decorating racing gear and driving all the vehicles. It was the perfect party!

I actually made the teachers some Valentine's presents and the kids had a blast at their parties and made out like bandits! Emmett and I watched Bailey's TK Valentine's Day program and it did not disappoint!

Cruz turned one and we had a great time celebrating him!

Of course the kids played with Olive and Winnie almost every day. They constantly run between the houses and have so much fun together!

Dada finally got his Peruvian food he's been requesting. The kids love jugo de maracuya just as much as us!

Clara gave Bailey violin lessons and they did not disappoint!

I helped out with the readathon in Clara's class and Aba was a guest reader. Clara was beyond excited and her teacher even requested that Aba make this a frequent occurrence (obviously coronavirus quashed that idea).

Dada really wanted Clara to play softball for some reason. She said she would only if one of us agreed to coach. I said no way but Dada agreed and roped Chelsea and Mason to coaching with him. Her first game went well and she actually hit off the first pitch. Unfortunately the games are so slow because they let the girls pitch a couple times (most of them can't even get it to the plate), then the coaches pitch a couple times, then they get the tee out. Needless to say, the girls on the field end up sitting down, picking flowers, and not paying attention. The little siblings had a ton of fun playing during the two games per Saturday!

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