Saturday, July 18, 2020

Lo Que Dice Emmett Otoño 2019/Invierno 2020

Emmett continues to be the silliest guy around. He's always hitting himself in the head or doing anything to make others laugh. He talks nonstop and loves to make up silly words and songs. Because he never stops talking, he says lots of funny things! He's getting easier to understand, but there are still times when I need Clara to translate!

“My teacher says ‘1 2 3 I love me!’” Clara: “You mean 1 2 3 eyes on me?” Emmett: “Oh yeah that’s it.”

Emmett: “Dad, where are you going on your real birthday?” Dada: “To work.” Emmett: “That’s sad.”

Emmett: “I don’t wear bows.” Me: “Why not?” Emmett: “ Because I’m not a gwul. I only like headbands.”

(Talking about Dada’s beard) “You have another beard up here (touches just eyebrows)!”

Clara: “Do you know what the J stands for in joy?” Emmett: “Jesus!” Clara: “Do you know what the O stands for?” Emmett: “Octopus!”

“I like when people tickle me because it feels ticklish!”

“That was too noisy for my ears.”

Emmett: “Was that a firework?” Clara: “They’re shooting pigeons.” Emmett: “That’s not nice. Call the police!”

"Oh no! Dada’s here. Now I have to hit my face."

“Look it’s a loon!” (Talking about a moon and combining luna and moon.)

Dada: “Are you tired?” Emmett: “My skis are tired.”

“The hot lava on my pants is red so don’t touch it!” (His pants were red.)

(Talking about putting sprinkles on blueberry muffins and Clara said they wouldn’t stick.) “They would if we used food glue!”

(Watching Star Wars) “I know he’s a bad guy because the bad guys are talking to him. Bad guys don’t talk to good guys. They’re not shooting him so that means he’s a bad guy.”

“Can you see my kin (skin)? (Points to his cheeks) I don’t have fur yet because I’m still a kid!”

(While listening to Taio Cruz, Break Your Heart) Me: “Emmett, are you going to break girls’ hearts?” Emmett: “Not yet, I still have to grow up first. I don’t even know how yet.”

“Why would Annakin be Luke’s father? How did that happen?” (With the most serious look on his face.)

(After I said poop when I wasn't in the bathroom) “Poop is a bathroom word don’t say that. Why would you say that you’re a grown-up not a kid!”

Me: “What does S-h-a-n-n-o-n spell?" Emmett:(without any hesitation) “Telephone!”

“Mine are just kids.” (Talking about sour patch kids.)

Looking at our wedding pictures, “You look as pretty there as you are now!”

“You’re sidewords right now!”

“Clara got in an argue”

“Dinosaurs lived a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Then the world got evacumated and exploded!”

“Help Mommy, I’m gonna be a grown up!” (While rolling on an ottoman.)

“I have a lot of money but I don’t have any dollars. I only have like eight of them and they’re all dollar one!” (When he said he wanted a new iPad and I told him he could use his own money to buy one.)

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