Saturday, July 18, 2020

Lo Que Dijo Clarita Otoño 2019/Invierno 2020

Apparently I forgot a couple seasons! Clarita continues to be very inquisitive and always wants to know how things work or why things happen. She speaks excellently and loves to try out new words she hears. She usually uses them correctly, but sometimes she mixes up meanings and says something super funny. She's an old soul and will laugh at things Emmett says/does much like an adult would. Picture her shaking her head and chuckling as she says, "Oh Emmett..."

“Why can’t they eat the animals after they’ve been used, like when cows stop making milk we could eat them, or when chickens stop laying eggs we could eat them?”

“Emmett those are made in China so they’re probably gonna snap.” (I asked her where she learned this and she said Abuela Sheri.)

“When this song (Knockin’ Boots by Luke Bryan) came on when we were at Baskin Robins I actually had my cowboy boots on and I knocked them!

She's obsessed with vampires

“I can’t believe that life never ends. People die and new people keep coming and it never ends.”

Unfortunately she never got to do her recital

After watching a cow milking demonstration at the fair she touches my boob and says, “So this is where you would be milked if you were a cow?”

(While having diarrhea) “I know there’s real poop in there somewhere!”

"I know why they call it a penis. It looks like a peanut but they didn’t want to call it a peanut so they called it a penis."

Clara: “Say thank you.” Me: “I said thanks it’s the same.” Clara: “Ok, welc!”

Emmett was complaining that it wasn’t fair that some people have bigger houses than us when Clara says, “You wanna know what’s not fair? That people kill rhinos for their horns! They make medicine but it doesn’t even work. It’s not fair that we’re alive and the rhinos are dead!” (It worked and he was speechless and stopped complaining.)

“Are we doing the fourple sled?” (She meant quadruple.)

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