Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Adios 2015

We had a nice mellow New Year's Eve at the McClarty's annual party. There were quite a few kids there and they had a ton of fun having glow stick dance parties in the dark (the boys all jumped on Kieran's bed during these but the girls were calmer), eating pizza, playing with the New Year props, and running around crazy! It was fun to see all of the little ones playing together! Emmett was content to snuggle with various people and sleep in my arms.

I'm ready to try beer!
Dance party!
Eli and Clara

Erin practicing for Baby #2 

Bossy Clara telling Kieran he can't go into the garage

Dada's annual New Year's mohawk

Bri and Cam went all out!

Matching hair styles 

By 9:30 most people had headed home to put the kiddos to bed, but Clara, Reedcito, and Jeffrey were going strong! Jeffrey was so sweet with Emmett and kept giving him kisses and pats. He's going to be a great big brother in a few weeks! By 11:00 we were the only people left and Reed and Clarita were so cutely snuggled in the recliners having the best conversations. Clara: "Do you like pacifiers Reed?" Reed: "No, do you like kid's TV?" Clara: "Do you want pasas (raisins)?" Reed: "Yes! I can eat those, I'm not allergic!" Clara then proceeded to feed Reed raisins. It really was the cutest thing seeing them having conversations without any adult help!

Jeffrey practicing being a big brother

We headed home around 11:40 and were in Clara's room ready for bed at midnight. She was a trooper and made it the whole time in good spirits! Emmett woke up at midnight ready to party!

First picture of 2016!

New Year's Day we had our annual Aebleskiver breakfast. It's funny how this was a tradition of Dada's growing up, but none of his family was able to come this year. Tia, Bailey, Aba, Tia Erika, and Tio Robert came over and we enjoyed a nice breakfast of Aebleskivers (or pancake balls as Clarita called them), egg casserole, and fruit salad. Dada made all of it and I didn't have to lift a finger! The kids even slept in to 8:30 (Emmett) and 9:00 (Clara) so we got some extra rest!

Yum, pancake balls!

After naptime we headed to Tio's family's New Year celebration. We enjoyed good food and good company, but it just wasn't the same without Taco. He was definitely missed. Clarita had fun playing with Tio's little cousins, reading lots of books, and of course playing with Bayleaf. Emmett snuggled with everyone and squealed away. It was a great start to the new year!

Keiko practicing her babysitting skills

Such a big boy!

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