Monday, January 11, 2016

Five Months

Emmett has really changed this month and has much better control of his arms and hands. He loves to grab his toys and EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. He sometimes  becomes  upset because he can't get something into his mouth quickly enough. He likes to shake his rattles, grab his feet when his diaper comes off, and grab my hair. He can almost always be found with some of my hair in his hand that he ripped out.

My attempt to prove that baby gender
is determined purely by clothes
Who wore it best?

I think Emmett did!

He's gonna love me so much for this when he's older

Sleeping like a big boy

The Buggle is still the happiest baby I have ever met, but he lets it be known when he doesn't like something. He will now let out a scream/cry like he is being murdered if you upset him (for example snorting at him like a pig when he wants to eat right now). Luckily he is easy to make happy again.

Cutest cousins around!

Rub a dub dub three babies in a tub

Christmas card photo

Spikey came home necessitating a new
Christmas card photo

Fresno State fans

Baby Emmett still loves tummy time and occasionally rolls over. It's almost like he is too content on his tummy that he doesn't want to roll over. I'm pretty sure that he could roll from his back to front if he wanted to, but he is content to roll to his side, look at his toys, and then flop back onto his back. He can sit up unassisted for short (think 20 seconds) periods of time, but prefers to lay down. He tolerates the Bumbo for short periods of time, but eventually gets bored and starts throwing himself backwards trying to get out. Clarita never did this and I have to remember not to leave him unattended in it. Emmett prefers the exersaucer where he can stand and play with his toys/watch Clara.


This Little Guy is so snuggly and loves to cuddle. His favorite place to be is perched in my arms or on my hip. Clara was never so snuggly and preferred to be on the floor or sitting in her Bumbo. I love it and get in all the snuggles that I can while he still lets me! Emmett is kind of like a puppy, he wiggles his entire body when he sees someone he likes and seems to be buzzing with excitement. It really is the cutest thing! I had to go out of town for work this month for the first time since he was born and I absolutely hated it (minus the uninterrupted sleep). Emmett and Clara both chose that night to wake up twice (not normal) to keep Dada on his toes!

He still has eczema and it seems to become worse when he is in a house with a fireplace. We slather on his lotion which seems to help. Although Emmett doesn't seem to be bothered by his dry skin, Clarita is very concerned and always asks if he has a rash and if it hurts him or he needs to go to the doctor. It's very sweet. The Little Guy started sucking his little thumb this month and it is super cute (I won't think so in three years when he's still sucking it)! He likes to cover his face with the rest of his hand while he sucks away.

My Snugglebuggle continues to be such an easy going baby who is up for anything. He can sleep anywhere including tucked under my arm while I run around doing things, and is so extremely flexible. If he would only sleep through the night he would be the perfect baby! 

18 Weeks

19 Weeks

20 Weeks

21 Weeks

Emmett's Stats

Weight: 16 pounds 
Height: 27 inches
Head Circumference: 17.5 inches

What Emmett Wears

Emmett is now wearing 6 and 6-9 month clothes and 9 month pajamas.

Things Emmett Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier, being carried like a parrot, chuponcitos (sometimes), bath time, his swing, the bouncy chair, tummy time, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, the Rainforest Playmat, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, sitting up on someone's lap, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, and the exersaucer.

Things Emmett Does Not Love

Getting buckled into the car seat, waiting to eat, and being overtired, getting his arms put in clothes (he can have his head trapped in a shirt forever, but put his arm in and he's unhappy!), and being given a chuponcito when he's overtired.

How Emmett Sleeps

The Snugglebuggle is starting to develop a schedule. He takes three to four naps per day, between 9:00 and 10:00 for 1 to 2 hours,  between 1:00 to 2:00 for generally 2 to 3 hours, and usually around 8:30 for half an hour with a nap sometimes thrown in around 6:00. He goes to bed around 10:00 and sometimes sleeps through the night, but more often wakes up around 3:00 to eat and then I have to wake him up at 7:30 before I leave for work. Emmett naps in the swing and sleeps swaddled in the Pack 'N Play in our room.


Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules,  Fuzz head, and Chunko 

Monthly Exciting Events

December 25, 2015: Starts using the sleep sack (a terrible experiment)
December 16, 2015: First night away from Mama :(
December 9, 2015: Starts splurping (aka blowing raspberries)
November 30, 2015: Thumb sucking begins

Monthly Pictures

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