Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas Lights!

Have I mentioned that we love Christmas? We try to cram as many Christmas related activities into the month of December as we can! Seriously, we had to make a list so we wouldn't forget anything! We were super busy but managed to squeeze in Zoolights and Christmas Tree Lane the week of Christmas. We went to Zoolights with los Tios, Bayleaf, and Aba and the kids (Baby Emmett included) loved it! Clarita and Bayleaf ran around crazy and enjoyed the lights. Emmett was mesmerized and silently took it all in before falling asleep towards the end. We even took pictures with Santa and Tio finally got the picture he wanted of Bailey screaming on Santa's lap! Clara actually sat on Santa's lap and smiled and posed with her hand under her chin. I couldn't believe it as she had been leery of Santa and refused to sit on his lap every other time we saw him. I think she did it for the candy cane! Emmett was enamored with Santa and stared at him with a huge grin! We had a great night!

In N Out took forever so she had to eat in the car!

Santa's not scary when she's not on his lap


Putting on a show for us

It was pretty cold when we walked down Christmas Tree Lane, but we bundled up and headed out. We ate at Chipotle before hand and Clarita actually chose what to put into her burrito and chose beans which she generally refuses to eat! Clara jabbered away and pointed out her favorite decorations (a Volkswagon Bug being one of them) and requested to take pictures in front of them. Bailey screeched away and Baby Emmett was absolutely silent taking it all in. I kept thinking that he had fallen asleep in the carrier because he was so quiet! Clarita walked quite a way (much to Tio's chagrin since she wasn't as fast as him) and really enjoyed the decorations. The best part was that I found my camera that had been lost since last year so I can compare pictures from last year to this year! It gets better every year!

Last Year

This year!

She loved this car

And these candy lights

Can they possibly add more lights?

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