Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Christmas Recital

Clarita has been taking a music class, Toddler Tunes, for the past few months. She absolutely loves the class and constantly sings the songs at home. In class she generally sang the songs and did the motions. She really loved playing the keyboards and instruments. Teegee, Reedcito, and Kierito are also in the class which is an added bonus. Their Christmas recital was December 15, 2015 and I was pretty excited about it. Clara kept telling us that she wasn't going to sing because she was too little.

Before the recital started Tio Robert and Tia Erika gave Clarita flowers which made her pretty excited. She almost refused to leave them with Aba when she went up to sing! Clara had a lot of people come see her including all of our family on both sides and even Grandma Donna! Baby Emmett decided that he was starving right before the kids went up to sing so Tia Erika took pictures and Tio Chino took a video. A parent had to go up with Clara and she, of course, chose Dada since she had been with him all day (she chose me before I left for work).

They sang four songs, ending with Jingle Bells and it was pretty cute! Clarita actually sang and did some motions which surprised me since she had told me she wouldn't do them and there were lots of people watching her. I had to leave shortly after she sang because I had a meeting so I missed Tristan playing the keyboard. :(

When I got home and asked Clarita what her favorite part of the recital was, she declared, "Playing with Teegee and my tree." It took me a while to figure out that her tree was the Christmas tree lollipop that Tio Robert and Tia Erika gave her. It was a cute night and I look forward to many more recitals (I probably will change my mind about that in a few years when we're super busy)!

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