Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Life of a Big Sister

Clarita continues to be an amazing big sister! She really loves Emmett and tells him so all of the time (it melts my heart)! She is actually quite helpful (for a 2.5 year old) and brings me burp cloths, lets me know when Emmett is crying, and entertains him by talking to him, playing peek a boo, and acting silly. She observes how I interact with him and copies me in her interactions with Emmett and her dolls. She uses the same voices and inflections that I use and it is so cute! I really thought that Clara would quickly tire of the Little Guy or be jealous of the time he took up. So far that has not been the case and she generally wants him to come places with us. I have offered to take her places without him and she always says that she wants Baby Emmett to come too. When people ask if they can take Emmett home, Clarita becomes upset and will request that I hold Emmett. At first I wasn't sure why she was requesting this and then I realized that she was afraid that they would take him if I wasn't holding him. One day she yelled at Grandma Donna, "Don't take my baby Grandma Donna!" I love seeing these two together and I can't wait to see all the fun they have in the years to come! 

Being the big sister has its perks and Clarita gets to play with her friends!

Playing with Kierito and Reedcito while Jon watched them at
a baby shower. Not pictured is Lyla (impressive Jon)!

Playdate with Gracie

You'd never guess Cambria is a year younger than Clara...

Big sisters also get to paint and color, two of Clarita's favorite things!

Painting desnuda so she doesn't get her clothes dirty!

Her water painting toy that Tio got her

Big sisters can play with lots of toys and dolls!

Playing dentist
Feeding Seegee "avena mosh"

And they can bake!

Making Rice Krispy treats right before
she burned her elbow

Multi taksing

Big sisters can stand on chairs to help give babies baths, wash dishes, and even eat breakfast!

I'm eating like Dada

Big sisters can work!

Helping Dada at work

Helping Maria at Mama's work
Big sisters can eat lots of yummy things!

Jamba Juice Thursdays
Calabaza cup!
Dipping tomatoes in nutella...

Eating ice cream on the floor with Dada

Big sisters get to wear costumes whenever they want!

And ride giant bicycles!
Dada's bike shorts fit perfectly!

Don't forget eating on the potty! One day Clarita told me, "I love to eat on the potty!"

And most importantly, big sisters get to snuggle with Mama!

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