Saturday, December 19, 2015

It's Not Christmas Without Parades

As is our tradition, we went to the Reedley Electric Light Parade the first week of December. It did not disappoint with tractors, buses, trucks, etc all covered in lights. Clara was in awe and quietly watched with Dada. Emmett fell asleep with Kate and even the extremely loud semi horns didn't wake him up! It wasn't too cold, but I insisted in dressing Emmett up in the warm bear suit that Clara wore to her first light parade! It's funny how she was nearly nine months old and Emmett is only four months old, but it probably fit them the same (and it is size six months)! We saw lots of friends there and had a great night! Unfortunately Dada's battery was dead when we got back to his car and almost everyone had left. Luckily he found a nice lady to jump it, but it took awhile and we got home super late. 

Tractors with lights? Yes please!

Bayleaf loved it

I've never seen her so quiet


Reedcito couldn't tear his eyes off the parade

Lyla and Drew

With the Miltons

My little osito
A couple of days later we headed out to the Kingsburg Festival of Lights Parade (Clara is now obsessed with light parades) with los Tios and Bayleaf. Clarita was super excited and even dragged Dada to the street to get a candy cane thrown out from a float. The parade begins with the Santa Lucia girls who carry candles and sing. Santa Lucia was a Christian martyr and in Scandinavian cultures the eldest daughter dresses in a white dress and a red sash (the symbol of martyrdom) and wears a crown of candles on her head. She brings breakfast to her family and this tradition is supposed to help one live the long winter days with enough light. The parade had lots of floats, tractors covered in lights, and even the Kingsburg off road club with their 4x4s decked out in lights! It was another great parade and we loved it!

Cousin kiss!

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