Sunday, December 6, 2015

Four Months

My little Snugglebuggle is four months old and still as happy as can be. He loves to smile, coo, and giggle. Tia and I have both said that although Clara and Bailey were pretty happy babies, neither of them were as smiley or giggly as Emmett. He really is the happiest baby I have ever met! He rarely cries unless he is hungry or overly tired and those are easily remedied. He goes with the flow and is just so easy going. He recently discovered a new pterodactyl scream which he thinks is really fun to make. When he is happy he screams away which makes everyone laugh.

Dada's old clothes

Old clothes have lots of room for cloth diapers

Please stop playing dress up with me!

The Little Guy has recently discovered his hands and loves to watch them move! He is so impressed by them and it's hilarious to watch! He still loves tummy time and can sometimes spend an hour on his tummy before he either falls asleep or gets tired of it. He still often falls asleep as soon as he goes on his tummy. He rolls over sometimes, but seems content to lay on his tummy and push his head and shoulders up or stick out his hands and legs superman style. He eats like a champ as evidenced by his size! He now goes two and a half to three hours between feedings which is nice.

Tummy time is exhausting

Life is exhausting

Luckily Emmett has decided that he likes bottles if they are REALLY warm. He gulps them down no problem. But if they are not quite warm enough he refuses them. I had never even considered warming them up since Clara never cared. I gave them to her straight from the refrigerator no problem, and while I didn't give them cold to him, I was doing room temperature which was not to his liking. I think everyone is happy with this newfound solution!

Babysitting Seegee

Where's Baby Emmett?

Look at my new trick...I can almost get out of the bouncy chair!

It has become evident that Emmett has sensitive skin. He has developed numerous rashes (although never diaper rash) and his cheeks are always red and sometimes bumpy.  His doctor said that he has dry skin and a little eczema. I have started putting lotion on the rashes and his cheeks and it seems to help some. I don't think the rashes bother him but they bother me.

Hook 'em

Tia has two babies!

Baby Cakes with Dada

Eating lunch at Irene's

The Little Guy is killing me with his sleep. Clarita spoiled me by starting to sleep through the night at eight weeks. While I realize that this is not normal, I was really hoping that he would follow suit. I need a lot of sleep and expected him to start sleeping through the night before I went back to work. Unfortunately for me that didn't happen. The worst part is that he sleeps through the night sometimes and other times wakes up (usually between 3:00 and 4:00) and there doesn't seem to be a rhythm or reason to when he sleeps all night and when he doesn't. He doesn't seem to wake up because he's hungry, but seems to want to play. He gets out of his swaddle and sucks on his hand, grabs his blanket, and laughs and talks. I have tried ignoring him but then I can't sleep so I usually end up nursing him because I know he will go back to sleep. I know that I shouldn't complain about my four month old waking up once per night, but I really am not cut out for losing sleep. I am hoping that he can figure out how to sleep through the night soon because the middle of the night feedings are one thing I will not miss about having a baby!


Que bigote!

Emmett loves Clara and Bailey and is content to watch them play. He gets so excited when Clara talks to him and plays with him and always greets her with a smile and squeal. He tolerates their pokes and roughness and actually seems to enjoy it. Watching these three grow up together is going to be so much fun!

14 Weeks

15 Weeks

16 Weeks

17 Weeks

Emmett's Stats

Weight: 15 pounds 13 ounces (65th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (85th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.75 inches

What Emmett Wears

Emmett continues to grow and his three to six month clothes are getting snug. He is wearing more six month clothes and pajamas are still six months and getting snug.

Things Emmett Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier or pouch, being carried like a parrot, chuponcitos when he's tired, bath time, his swing, the bouncy chair, tummy time, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, the Rainforest Playmat, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, sitting up, being a baby airplane, people in general.

Things Emmett Does Not Love

Getting buckled into the car seat, waiting to eat, and being overtired.

How Emmett Sleeps

The Snugglebuggle is no longer a sleepy newborn. He still sleeps when he wants, but is starting to develop a schedule. He generally sleeps for an hour or two in the morning and takes a two to three hour nap in the afternoon during Clara's nap. He goes to bed between 9:30 and 10:00 and wakes up between 3:30 and 6:30. The time change seemed to affect him and he started taking a short nap around 8:00. Emmett naps in the swing and sleeps swaddled in the Pack 'N Play in our room.


Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules,  Fuzz head, and Chunko 

Monthly Exciting Events

November 26, 2015: Discovers his hands
November 24, 2015: Starts using the exersaucer
November 17, 2015: First full day with Dada
November 16, 2015: First full day away from Mama :( first time being babysat by los abuelos
November 13, 2015: First yoga class (loved it!)
November 12, 2015: First night away from Dada :(
October 31, 2015: Graduates from bassinet to pack 'n play

Monthly Pictures

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