We had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend! We started out Thanksgiving morning with a soccer game with our friends. We do this most years, but this year I wasn't sure how it would work with both of us playing with two kids. Luckily we played at the high school a couple of blocks from our house so I figured we could always go home if we needed to. Turns out the kids did great! Emmett slept for the first half of the game and Clarita played on the blanket. She told me she had to go potty so I literally ran home (in my cleats) with her only to have her sit on the potty and say nevermind. Then Emmett hung out on the blanket on his tummy with her until the Rodriguezs stopped by and Denae saved him! It was a fun way to start the day.
Thanksgiving was at our house and we had a ton of great food and great company! Unfortunately Tia Alyssa was sick so they weren't able to come. Clara was really sad about this, but got over it as soon as people started arriving. Grandma Donna joined us this year and we were glad to be able to spend the day with her. Clarita enjoyed playing with everyone and Emmett enjoyed lots of snuggles. He slept through lunch and Clara refused to eat much. She really wanted apple cider and I told her that she had to try her mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green bean casserole in order to have some. She refused and didn't get any cider much to her chagrin. We took some family pictures, but Bayleaf was napping so we didn't get any with her. After pictures Clarita threw a tantrum about having to take a nap and it took almost an hour to get her down. Luckily she took a good nap and woke up happy! We had a very nice day and have so many things to be thankful for! We really are very blessed and I think it's important not to lose sight of this amidst the bustle of daily life.
Having fun getting dressed with Tia Erika! |
She loves her Tio! |
Bayleaf and I didn't make the cut... |
Friday I had to work, but Dada brought the kids to Fresno and we went to yoga together. It was fun to have Dada there! Clarita had a great time at yoga and playing in my office. She remembered the last time she was there when she played on the computer with Maria. She asked me if she could "work" on my computer and enjoyed eating snacks. Emmett stayed with me and slept while I finished up some work and Clara and Dada went to pick up Fresno State football tickets from one of Dada's friends. That evening we headed to the Christmas Tree lightning down the street from our house. We ran into los Tios there and a friend from high school whom I hadn't seen in years. Clarita enjoyed the lights, the singing, Santa, eating sweet bread, and especially the little train. Emmett happily hung out in the carrier and fell asleep right as the tree was lit.
Working hard! |
Can I come to work with you every day? |
Clara and I are possessed! |

Saturday the Little Guy and I went to a baby shower for Cat and Shawna and he was content to snuggle with Sarah and squeal. Clarita stayed home and took a nap. It was the first baby shower I have gone to without her since she was born (and there have been a lot!) so it felt a little weird. It was much easier just having one kid and I always love getting to spend one-on-one time with Emmett! When he and I got home we changed and headed out the door to the football game. We got in a little bit of tailgating before heading to the stadium. It was a very cold night and I had not planned very well (I blame this on not being home or having time to think). A lady actually asked me if I wanted her blanket so Emmett didn't get sick! Luckily he was snuggled with me in the carrier and his hands were warm so I figured he was ok. The game was really long but we stayed until the end to watch Fresno lose by three. Clarita enjoyed herself and we got to see some friends we hadn't seen in a long time. Unfortunately Clara left Seegee (her cat) at the game. Luckily she didn't seem too upset by this especially when we told her that Seegee met up with Santa and would come home at Christmas.
Sarah, the baby whisperer! |
Cutest little Fresno State fan I ever did see! |
Keeping up the tradition of shotgunning beer while holding Clara |
Thanks for the awesome seats Brian! |
Sunday we finally got time to decorate for Christmas and Clara and Dada picked out a tree together. She was excited about putting decorations on it for a few minutes but quickly lost interest. She did enjoy playing with the ball ornaments and putting them in vases for me. She also really liked the stockings. I got her an Elf on the Shelf this year and she and Dada read the story together and she was really excited about it. I told her that if she was really good for a week the elf (whom she named Apichukah) would tell Santa and Seegee would come home early. She liked this idea and was pretty disappointed when Apichukah had not moved in the morning (oops, mom fail). Hopefully she will be more willing to do things that we ask her to now that she knows she's being observed!
I want to help decorate too! |
Who doesn't play with a stocking while going potty? |
We had a very full Thanksgiving weekend and enjoyed our time together and with family!
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