Friday, November 27, 2015

Mama Goes Back to Work

Unfortunately my maternity leave could not last forever and I had to go back to work on November 16. It was a sad day for all of us, but I am so grateful for the 16 weeks I had off with the kiddos! We had so much fun and got to spend so much quality time together. As much as I hated to leave my little guys, I was also a little excited to go back in a new position as the Community Program Director. I am hoping that once things settle down I will be able to have a more flexible schedule and spend more time with the kids.


I'm not sure who this transition was harder on, Emmett, Clara, or I. Luckily we discovered that Emmett will take bottles as long as they are VERY warm. If they are even a tiny bit too cold he will cry and refuse them, but get them nice and toasty and he is fine. We didn't figure this out until a few days before I went back, so I was a bit stressed out at the end. He did great his first week! He didn't sleep as well as he normally does for los Abuelos, but I chalk it up to not having his normal swing and routine.

I prepared Clara for my return to work beginning a month ago. She initially cried when we talked about it, but was starting to get excited to play with Aba and Bayleaf, and play with Abuela Sheri's toys and Teegee. My first day Dada did not have a car as he had forgotten to pick it up from the mechanic so Fafa saved the day and picked Dada and the kids up so I could get to work on time. I was pleasantly surprised that we were all able to get ready (including fed, clothed, potty, and hair and teeth brushed) on time (this did not happen the other days)! Clara had no problem going with Fafa since Dada was going too and didn't care when Dada got dropped off. It was a smooth transition the first day...

Dada is taking Paid Family Leave (I'm thankful we live in California where this is possible) and stays home Tuesdays now. He not only survived his first entire day with two kids, but managed to take them to the library story group (on time) as well! However, Clarita had such a fun day with Dada that she was absolutely devastated when he had to go to work on Wednesday. She sat by the door screaming and it took me a little while to calm her down. Then I had to leave which prompted 10 minutes of screaming for Aba. It only stopped when Clara declared that she had to go potty. She at first stated that only Mama could help her and started to poop in her pants when Aba told her that Mama was gone. Luckily she acquiesced and there were no more problems the rest of the day. Grandma Donna came to help Aba out on her first day watching all three kids. Aba was definitely tired by the end of the day, but said it went fine.

To further complicate matters, Abuela Sheri got called for Jury duty! Thursday she had to be there so Aba watched all three kids again. Clara had music class so Dada took her, but Bailey had to miss Gymboree as Aba was not about to take all three kids ( I don't even think I would be brave enough for that). Aba said her second day was great complete with long naps (for my kids at least) and very little crying (it may help that Clara was gone for an hour)! Clarita told me that her favorite part of the day was playing with Aba (over music class)! An added bonus was that we were able to eat dinner and make it to Gymboree on time after work!

Friday Aba watched the kids again and it was a success! She said that having Grandma Donna help for a couple hours around lunch time each day was a lifesaver! I got home a little early and Clarita and I picked up pizza and we all celebrated a successful first week back at work!

This week, Tia took a stab at watching all three kiddos since she had Thanksgiving break. She survived the day and even managed to get a few cute pictures of the girls in the fall leaves! She said that by the end of the day she was so tired of hearing, "No Bailey, don't touch that!" as was I every time I watched them all. Hopefully Clara will get better at sharing soon (she thinks sharing means giving Bayleaf only one toy and getting upset when Bailey wants to play with other things).

As much as I hate having to leave my kids, I am glad that they are in such capable, loving hands. We are beyond blessed to be able to have family watch our kids! And it is good for Clara and I to have some time apart as she throws more tantrums when I am there and we sometimes drive each other crazy. We are both so stubborn and constantly in power struggles (sometimes we both win and lose). I think the time apart makes us appreciate each other more and value our time together! And I really do love my job and feeling like I make a difference in people's lives!

Practicing wearing heels like Mama

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