Sunday, November 8, 2015

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita y Emmett

I figured I would do one more of these before I go back to work and we actually had a free day during the week when it was just the three of us and we didn't have anywhere to go! This is from Friday, November 6, 2015. It really is much more difficult to keep track of our day with two kids and it makes me realize why I am always tired at the end of the day!

12:38: Clara is crying to go potty. Dada gets u and takes her and she goes right back to sleep.
4:57: I hear Emmett grunting so we nurse.
5:05: Do a quick diaper change.
5:15: He gets swaddled up and falls right to sleep.
6:56: I get home from running and both kids are still asleep which means I actually have time to get ready!!
7:25: There is movement on the monitor so Dada gets Clara up.

7:30: Clara requests to eat cereal in the big bowl and eats Blueberry Morning, Oatmeal Squares, Grape Nuts, and uncooked oats.

7:56: Dada leaves and Clara requests to eat a pera (pear).
8:03: I hear squeaks and see that the Little Guy is awake! Clara declares that she is finished eating.

8:07: Emmett nurses and Clara plays in the living room.

8:15: We do a diaper change and baby exercises.
8:21: Head upstairs to get dressed, brush teeth, and go potty. Emmett chews on his tooth brush which Clarita thinks is hilarious.

Taking off her own shirt for the first time!


It's never too early for good dental hygiene!

8:49: We go downstairs and Emmett has tummy time while Clara plays and I clean up breakfast.

9:04: Emmett fusses and when I check on him is out. Tummy time is exhausting! I clean the floors.

9:15: Clara comes running in to tell me that Emmett rolled over and is sad now. He's crying on his back on the play mat. She swears he rolled over on his own and she didn't touch him. We snuggle and he spits up on me, a rare occurrence.

Totally safe

9:28: Baby Emmett goes down on his back on the play mat and Clara makes herself a bed out of his piano. I resume cleaning the floors.

9:52: Clara requests a snack of crackers and milk. Emmett is still playing happily.

10:07: Emmett starts fussing and I nurse him. Clara takes Pinguinita upstairs for a time out because she "rolled on Baby Emmett because she's crawling."
10:19: Emmett is done nursing and asleep. He wakes up during his diaper change and is happy as can be.
10:25: We get ready to head to the store and Clara goes potty.
10:38: Head to the store with our cookies!

10:48: Arrive at the store and post a flyer for Spikey who has been lost for five days. We purchase a few items and one of the employees gives Clara a coloring page!
10:59: Head to the cupcake store to pick out a birthday cupcake for Bayleaf! It's not open yet so we head home and Baby Emmet is asleep.

11:17: We get home and Clara and I look for playroom ideas on the iPad while Emmett sleeps.
12:00: I make lunch and Clara dances around the kitchen.

"Take a picture of my hat!"

12:15: The UPS man rings the doorbell to deliver Clarita's new car seat and wakes Emmett up. He's content with me holding him while I finish making lunch.
12:25: Clara requests that Emmett go in the Bumbo while she and I eat vegetarian sandwiches and he happily obliges and "plays" with his toys. Clarita insists on sitting on my lap and having me feed her.

12:36: The Little Guy is suddenly starving. Clara plays with Baza while he nurses.
12:49: We do a diaper change and baby exercises.
12:56: Emmett goes in the bouncy chair and Clara plays while I finish eating.

1:00: Dada gets home and I call shelters looking for Spikey while Clara eats chips and grapes that Dada brought home.

1:15: Snugglebuggle hangs out on my lap while Clara and dada start the dishwasher (one of her favorite jobs) and play music.

1:27: Dada leaves Clara gets ready for nap and goes potty.

1:26: Clara goes down for her nap and Emmett and I play in the living room. He flies on my legs like an airplane and is all smiles.
1:49: Emmett starts getting fussy and rubbing his eyes so I put him in the swing with a chuponcito and he falls asleep. I write a blog and organize the basement, laundry room, and breakfast nook (a.k.a. the new playroom)!

3:47: Emmett wakes up starving and nurses.
3:55: Emmet is done nursing and I hear Clara crying for me. I get her up and change Emmett's diaper and do baby exercises.
4:03: We play in the living room and read.

She was really sad because they were almost too small

4:30: A tantrum ensues because Clara wants to watch a lollipop video on my phone and I tell her no. Emmett and I go into the kitchen to start dinner while Clara cries in the living room.
4:40: I check on Clara, who is still screaming in the living room, and she has peed all over the floor. She hasn't done this in a long time and I am very angry because she knows how to control her bladder. I stick her in the bathroom while I clean it up then I clean her up and put her in her room for a timeout. I set my timer for two minutes.
4:46: Two minutes is up (and went by way too quickly) and I get the still screaming Clara from her room. We have a talk about the importance of using our words instead of screaming and going potty in the potty. Emmett is a trooper and hangs out in his bouncy chair the whole time.
4:53: Clara requests to go potty downstairs. She apologizes and we go in the kitchen without pants since hers are all wet.

5:15: Clara requests a banana and Emmett starts fussing so I carry him around with me. Dada gets home (super early for him!) and plays with Clara.

5:30: Baby Emmett has tummy time.
5:37: Tummy time is short-lived and ends with screaming. Dada saves him.

5:50: Dinner time and Emmett sits in the Bumbo and watches us as we eat stir fry and naan.

5:58: Emmet is jealous that we are eating and he's not. He nurses.
6:09: The Buggle falls asleep eating and wakes up for a poopy diaper change. Clara decides she's a baby and needs a booster seat. She throws her peas on the floor like Bailey and we have a talk about being a big girl.

6:17: Emmett hangs out in the bouncy chair while I clean up dinner and Clara finishes eating.
6:40: Clara goes pee pee and poo poo. This is followed by bathtime. Emmett goes in the little tub in the big tub which Clara loves!

"I have a barba (beard) like Tio Robert!"

7:00: All done bathing. Time to dry off and get pajamas on.

7:17: We leave to go to the cupcake store. Emmett falls asleep right as we get there. Clarita chooses a chocolate cupcake for Bailey and requests ice cream. She, surprisingly, doesn't protest when I remind her that we are there only to get a cupcake for Bayleaf. We hang more Spikey fliers on way home.
7:48: We arrive home and Clara gets a cookie and Emmett wakes up.

8:02: We head upstairs to get ready for bed.

8:10: Emmett is hungry and it's time for our favorite (not) time of the day, bottle time! It involves lots of screaming. He falls asleep without eating much. Clara and I read in Emmett's room. She goes potty after some arguing, getting into bed, and then getting up saying she has to go potty.

"Kappa doesn't like bottles either."

8:38: Clara is in bed and falls asleep right away and doesn't wake up until 7:30 the next morning! Emmett sleeps in the swing while I vacuum up all the Styrofoam Clara got everywhere and we clean up the toys. Dada puts Clara's new car seat in.

Que bigote!

9:27: I wake the little guy up to nurse.
9:37: We do one last diaper change and baby exercises.
9:44: I hang out with my little sleepy guy.
10:00 Emmett gets burritoed up and falls right to sleep until 4:15 when we start all over again!

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