Saturday, November 21, 2015

Dia de Dada con Dos Hijos - Capitulo Uno

Shannon leaves at eight after helping (doing most of the work) to get the kids ready and by 8:20 Clara is crying after bonking her chin on the wood floor (she gets a bruise later so it was legit) and Emmett covers his face in spit up during tummy time.
Right before Clara tipped over and bonked her chin. I did warn her that it could happen.
Good start to the day. At 8:40 Baby Emmett poops. I happen to catch it on video and send it to Shannon and tell her that he made a surprise for her.  

She replies "Nice.  Hopefully he didn't leak through because there are no more diapers.  Don't forget to hang them up I forgot about that."  But of course it leaked through.  Why wouldn't it?  I find a diaper in the washer that is dry.  They don't soak up water and the washer spins out a lot of the moisture on its last cycle anyway.  I hear Clara scream while looking for another diaper and I fear that Emmett has peed all over while I was gone but upon returning back to the pack n play I am relieved to see that he has not.  Clara is just laughing/screaming at him because he is playing with the diaper insert.  Nine o'clock comes and I find Clara pooping on her potty. Good for her! Having a potty trained kid is awesome!  Baby Emmett gets a little bit fussy.  He looks tired but I know he is going to have to eat soon. I sneak outside to hang the diapers and liners to dry.  I come back to find Baby Emmett sleeping and Clara playing upstairs. 
A happy Baby Emmet
A sleepy Baby Emmett

At least they're both happy!  9:50-Baby Emmett wakes up super happy as I am warming up milk for him. Clara has a snack of yogurt and milk. Baby Emmett finishes eating by 10:15 while Clara eats one and a half yogurts as a snack.  I scramble to get the kids ready to go by 10:20. We're on our way to the library in the stroller at 10:21.  We make it to the library at 10:29 with only a little bit of speed walking involved. An hour goes by playing with Playdough, painting turkeys, gluing feathers on turkeys, reading and singing with no drama.  The instructor asks where Shannon is and I tell her she had to go back to work because her maternity leave is over and that I am taking family leave every Tuesday and will be bringing Clara and Emmett.  A mother tells me how awesome she thinks that is.  I thank her and agree with her.  Its too bad not every father feels the same way.  Spending that extra time with your children when they are young is something that you can never get back.  Like the Visa saying goes, it's priceless.  Clara helps push the stroller most of the way home and we make a stop at Family Dollar to drive the barco. Seegee takes a ride with Clara.  Even I get in for a little bit. Clara wants me to put my feet in but I cant quite squeeze in.  
Get in line for a boat ride!
We get back in the house at 11:56
, just in time for lunch. Baby Emmett falls asleep on the way home and wakes up at 12:05 with a wet diaper. Clara goes potty by herself just before 12:30 and I hear the seat close.  I go in there and see that my daughter is a genius child who can use the big potty all by herself! OK, not quite, but she did wipe by herself and put the paper in the big potty closing the lid after. Did she wipe well?  I don't know but a little bit of pee never hurt anybody.  It's another yogurt for Clara and baby Emmett has 3 ounces of milk. He gets a little fussy at the end but I know he's full. I tell Clara "nap time" and that I'm going to give Emmett a bath. She wants to help. It's just after 1:00.  I know her mother wouldn't let her but I bring in a chair to stand on and she says" thank you, Is that for me?"  And that alone makes it worth it.  Bath time is much more fun with her helping anyways. Clara eats some tomatoes while we bathe Emmett, rounding out her lunch of yogurt, a tangerine and half a chip. Shannon won't like that.
bath time is so much fun!
We finish and she goes down for a nap by 1:30
. Emmett is asleep by 1:40 in the swinging chair. I think it took me ten minutes to put a onesie on him reaffirming the fact that I hate dressing little ones until they can move on their own. While they are sleeping I catch up on some tasks that I have been putting off for a while (months in one case), do some core exercises (also been putting off for months, and its only ten minutes!) and then read about four pages in my book that I started reading a month ago before Baby Emmett starts waking up at 4:09. I'm unable to get milk warm enough for him until 4:17.  Meanwhile, he is crying and crying and crying some more. At first I try to not let him wake up Clara then I consider it a lost cause and give up. He downs 4 ounces by 4:25. I hear Clara while I'm feeding him and check on her and she is sitting on the bed. I ask her if she wants to sleep more and she says yes and pulls the blanket over her so I close the door back again. Not the answer I am used to but I roll with it.  Baby Emmett and I hang out and change his wet diaper. Clara calls out at 4:48 "I need to go potty". After she goes potty we get ready to go to Los Tios for dinner. We are heading out the door at 5:00 (yeah, ready in 12 minutes!)  when Clara asks for a galleta. She told me earlier that momma lets her have one after a nap so I agree to it.  Baby Emmett remains super chill.  Aba takes him to meet Shannon in Reedley for a church council meeting at 5:30. Clara and I remain to eat dinner.  Clara has to sit in my lap while we eat. All she has to eat is chips that Tio fried in the deep fryer. They are super yummy and I understand but the soup that Tia made is very delicious as well but she won't try it.  At 6:30 Tia gets the bath ready.
Bath time is still so much fun!
After bath Clara runs around naked taking everyone's temperatures. She then eats two and a half bags of Grape Escape and a carrot. At least she is getting her fruits and veggies!  We hang out and play with Los Tios and Bailey until 8:00 
when we finally go home to meet Mama.
Let me take your temperature!  So what if I'm naked.
Clara eats another cookie and tangerine. She gets ready for bed-read, brush teeth, read under the covers with Dada (doesn't read with Mama :( 
but Mama takes Emmett down stairs to put him in the swing because he is fussing a bit) go potty and get into bed. I close the door at 9:04. Shannon and I take our time getting ready for bed. At 10:15 after nursing, Shannon turns Emmett into a burrito, a happy burrito, and tells him to sleep until 5.
Ok Baby Emmett, time to become a burrito!

What a happy burrito!
He doesn't listen and wakes up hungry at 3:00
.  Oh well, that is life with kids and they are so worth it. (plus Shannon gets up to feed him while I get to go back to sleep :)

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