Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Three Months

Our Little Guy has turned into a different baby this past month! He is no longer a sleepy newborn and has discovered toys, his hands and feet, and putting things into his mouth! He still sleeps a lot, but now has long stretches of awake time (sometimes much of the day), and likes to play with his toys. He puts everything in his mouth and likes to suck on his hands. He is starting to like chuponcitos more, and sometimes when he is tired a chuponcito is all it takes to put him to sleep. The week that we spent in Michigan made me realize how nice swings, bouncy chairs, and toy mats are. Although not necessary, they certainly make life with a baby easier. Emmett generally takes his naps in the swing or bouncy chair and it was a little more difficult to get him to nap without these. When he is tired he sometimes gets fussy if he is being held, and putting him in his chair or swing is all it takes to put him to sleep. However, rocking him to sleep in your arms is a tad bit more difficult and it generally took a chuponcito to get him to sleep.

Hook 'em!

Emmett continues to be a super happy baby. He is content to go with the flow and loves to smile and coo at people. All it takes is someone saying hi to him to get a giant smile from the Snugglebuggle. He smiles with his whole body which I love! It starts in his eyes, moves to his mouth, and eventually his whole little body is wiggling away! Emmett also laughs up a storm and a tickle under his chin generally gets giggles out of him. It's the sweetest little sound and Clarita always tries to get him to laugh.

Ojos azules

Baby Emmett is super strong and can push himself up and kick his little legs up Superman style. He likes tummy time and often falls asleep. He hadn't been rolling since he was tiny (perhaps partly because he doesn't get put on his tummy often enough because we're always on the go), but when I put him naked on his tummy a few days ago, he flipped over right away. He did this every time I put him back on his tummy and looked so proud of himself! The Snugglebuggle likes sitting in his Bumbo or propped up on the couch. He likes to watch people and contributes to the conversation with squeals! He also loves drooling and spitting. He is all boy and actually spits! His shirt is constantly wet under his chin.

Baby Emmett has a clip!

Tio the baby whisperer

Mama's new hairdo

Big guy at the doctor

Fafa snuggles
Dada and New Kitty snuggles

Bottles are still not a favorite of Emmett's and he often screams when given one. I have tried all different types of bottles and nipples and he doesn't like any of them. He generally pushes the nipple around and plays with it. He will sometimes drink the milk that drips out, but it takes a half an hour to drink and ounce or two. We're working on this problem and practicing every day. He only has a couple of weeks left to learn before I go back to work and is stressing me out!

The Little Guy is so easy going and loves people. He especially loves Clara and Bailey. They can almost always get a smile out of him and he loves watching them! He lets them poke and pull him and rarely complains.
Such a good sport!
Emmett loves Bayleaf!

Why are you letting this small child hold me?

Forward facing!

Sitting up is pretty cool?

Tummy time is exhausting!
Emmett is such a great baby and we love him so much! He's been around such a short time but I already can't imagine life without him!

Nine Weeks

10 Weeks

11 Weeks

12 Weeks

13 Weeks

Emmett's Stats

Weight: 14 pounds
Height: 25 inches 
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches

What Emmett Wears

Emmett is not at all tiny like Clarita was and basically skipped most of his three month clothes. He is now wearing three to six month clothes (and sometimes six month) and six month pajamas!

Things Emmett Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier or pouch, being carried like a parrot, chuponcitos when he's tired, bath time, his swing, the bouncy chair, tummy time, Clarita and Bailey, going for walks in the stroller, getting his nose sucked out, putting everything in his mouth, the Rainforest Playmat, looking at the cute baby in the mirror.

Things Emmett Does Not Love

Getting buckled into the car seat, waiting to eat, bottles, and being held when he's tired.

How Emmett Sleeps

The Snugglebuggle still sleeps a lot, but is awake for longer stretches of time. He generally takes a two to three hour nap in the afternoon during Clara's nap and sleeps on and off the rest of the day. He goes to bed between 9:30 and 10:00 and wakes up between 3:30 and 6:30. He had a week of sleeping through the night and then started waking up at 3:30 trying to get out of his swaddle. In Michigan he slept until 6:30 most days. Hopefully he will resume sleeping through the night when I go back to work!


Snugglebuggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules, Small Kevin, Fuzz head and Chunko (thanks Grandpa Bill)

Monthly Exciting Events

October 23, 2015: First time swinging
October 21, 2015: First time in another state, first time staying in a hotel, meets Grandpa Bill
October 20, 2015: First time flying out of mama's belly
October 17, 2015: First time riding a steam train (he slept through it)
October 15, 2015: Attends his first fair
October 10, 2015: Watches his first parade
October 7, 2015: First time being babysat by los Tios while Mama and Dada go to an anniversary dinner
October 5, 2015: Starts grabbing his toys on the playmat
October 3, 2015: Starts getting out of his swaddling blanket (preferably at 3:00 AM!)

Monthly Pictures

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