We had a very busy Halloween this year much to Clara's delight! She got a book about Halloween from the library in September and since then has been obsessed with Halloween. We looked at pictures from last Halloween and she has been wearing her costumes around the house, to the park, to los abuelos, etc. She kept asking me, "When are we going at Halloween?" and was very excited about dressing up and giving candy to the big ninos (little ninos can only eat lollipops).
We began our celebration with Trunk or Treat at church Friday afternoon. Clara has done this event every year since she was tiny. Aba has always taken her, and some years I have met them there. This year I loaded up all three kids and we headed out right at naptime. Clarita did great, but poor Bayleaf was super tired. Clara had requested to take a nap at 11:00 AM that morning and was at least quiet and resting for an hour before declaring that she had to go potty. I'm not sure if she actually slept, but it seemed to help her. She was excited to hand out candy and took her sweet time choosing just the right candy each time. She refers to M&Ms and Skittles as "pirates," I think because I have a Halloween decoration of an M&M with an eye patch. She really liked giving these out. Emmett nursed right as we got to church and then slept for the majority of the event which was perfect. We tried to get Bailey to take a nap in Aba's truck but she wasn't having it so she helped hand out candy.

Friday night we headed to the Ketelsen's for their annual Halloween party. This year the theme was "groups" and we went as the Flintstones and Rubbles with los tios and Bailey. I was pretty proud of myself for making Emmett's costume! Everyone asked me if Tia had made it (she's normally the crafty one) and they were surprised that I had done it! I also had to craft my own costume since Amazon cancelled my order at the last minute and none of the costume stores around had a Betty Rubble costume. Luckily I had a blue skirt in the give away pile and Walmart helped me with the rest. Clara kept asking me, "Mama are you real sad that you don't have your disfrace (costume)?" To which I replied, "yes." We had a fun night eating pizza and hanging out. There were a lot of great costumes too! The night ended with Chelsea giving Eden and Clara piano lessons! It was the cutest thing ever and she even figured out how to play "The Wheels on the Bus" per Clarita's request!
Flintstones and Rubbles |
Rubbles and Dino |
Alice in Wonderland |
Llama and her herders |
Herd of One |
Ghost Busters |
Bandits, Sheriffs, and Money Bags |
Little Red Riding Hood |
Pac Man |
Flintstones |
Connor and Clara loved the witch |
Lyla and Eden |
Piano lessons with Chelsea |
Twins |
Saturday we headed to los Martinez for Eli's first birthday. It was a costume party and Clara and I went as fairies (Tia made me a tutu) and Baby Emmett and Dada went as Barney Rubble and Bam Bam again. Ashley did a great job on the party and highlights included Eli going to town on her cake, including rubbing it in her hair (and the other small children helping her), all of the costumes, and the pinata which was supported by a guy in cowboy boots on the roof and another guy on top of a ladder! Clarita was excited about getting a lollipop and Baby Emmett was content to be held by various people and sleep!
Ashley, Eli B, and Yayo |
Fairies |
Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci |
Emmett loves Sarah |
Clara and Eden helping to eat the cake |
Feeding Lyla |
Hugs |
Lyla wasn't sure about the pinata |
She was really into hitting it |
Go Jack, go! |
Look at Connor's swing...and his shorts! |
We ended Halloween with the Raven's annual Halloween party and trick or treating. We had a quick costume change and Clarita and I were Carebears and Dada and Baby Emmett were monkeys. It was cool outside so we were warm and snuggly. Clara had a great time trick or treating and really got into saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" after she was given candy! She, of course, gave all her candy to us since she's too little to eat it (I wonder when she'll catch on and want candy)! Auntie Lisa dressed as Peppa Pig, and although Clara had no idea who she was, she was obsessed with her. Clarita kept requesting to tick or treat with Peppa Pig and commanding her to snort! She had fun playing with her cousins and cried when it was time to leave. Emmett slept in Tia Alyssa's arms during trick or treating and then charmed everyone with his smiles and laughs! It was a great Halloween and Clarita is already excited about next year's celebrations!
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