Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bayleaf Turns One!

Our little Bayleaf turned one November second! Hard to believe that it's been a year since she was born and since I got pregnant with Emmett. She is such a sweet and fun little girl and we have so much fun with her! Clarita absolutely loves Bailey and gets so excited when they are together. We were lucky enough to spend the day with sweet Bayleaf on her birthday and we had a ton of fun! We played, painted (Bailey was more into eating the paint than painting), and had a little family party for her that evening and she even got to practice opening presents (Clarita was more than willing to help out).

Playing dentist

Paint is real yum!

Cleaning the paint off the floor, I taught her well!

Painting equals bath time!

A potty!

The Saturday following her birthday los Tios threw Bailey a birthday bash. Tia did a great job decorating and even making a super cute onesie and tutu for the Little Chubette! We had a very fun time at the party. Highlights included all the kiddos playing, watching Bailey eat her cupcake, opening presents, and playing with the presents (Clarita really enjoyed the last two!). I went early with Emmett help set up and he was a trooper. The Little Guy was content to sit in his carseat "talking" and watching everything going on for over an hour. He was then content in the carrier and even took a couple of naps in it! He also enjoyed cuddling with everyone, especially Tio Robert! Clara did great despite taking a very short nap. Bailey seemed to enjoy the party and really likes all of her new toys!

Such a happy little guy!


How many kids can fit in here?

The answer is five!


Laura and Eden


Kierito and Reedcito

Tio Robert snuggles

Keiko practicing her babysitting skills

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